Ouch! That is shockingly accurate.

For those with an appetite for more of the sordid details, check out: http://eldoradokansasblog.blogspot.com/ and http://www.acityofcharacter.com/If you want to read lies!

Someone correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe Blount (on acityofcharacter.com) was the first to publicly label El Dorado the most corrupt town in Kansas. He is such a small man!

What happened to the video clips that were up on www.acityofcharacter.com? The video of the evening news covering this crap was cool! Especially when it showed Blount's site and “Most corrupt town in Kansas” title.

Connie is gonna blow a gasket when she sees that someone posted her price for the world to see :)

But Jerry already did that, didn't he? (check out http://www.acityofcharacter.com/moneytrails.html)

I made some small edits to the article


The article was factually accurate, but some of the wording was unnecessarily controversial. I changed a few words, and added a few lines of explanation