Talk:Einstein–Cartan–Evans theory/Archive 2

Latest comment: 5 years ago by 2A01:CB0C:CD:D800:C0BA:B829:8FD2:F353 in topic The ultra-prolific Evans
Archive 1 Archive 2

Evans disagrees with this page

"This English language Wikipedia article seems to make a futile attack on Cartan geometry, which has remained unchanged since the early twenties. So it grossly distorts my work and CV." The Einstein-Cartan theory has its own wiki page, which has been beset by its own quack infestation. The present page is devoted to the shambles Evans makes of it; an attack on a perverted distortion of a thing is not an attack on the thing itself. Even if he were able to make a valid contribution good enough for a hyphen-Evans, he would have to get in line behind Sciama and Kibble. Responsible adults are advised to go here. (talk) 08:56, 22 August 2017 (UTC)

More claims by Evans: "Thousands of scientists worldwide find the remarks on Wikipedia to be grossly offensive, because I am described as a “crackpot” by what is supposed to be a neutral medium. So the article is a trolling site, not a scientific article at all. This means that the article is a criminal offense under the Malicious Communications Act, as well as being grossly defamatory and wildly pejorative." Some salient remarks contra this drivel: The main page does not use this term, only states facts supported by independent evidence. Several contributers here have referred to Evans as a "crackpot"; as explained elsewhere on this talk page, the jurisdiction on the use of terms such as "crank" and "crackpot" tends to favour those who would use this term, provided the primary aim is to warn the general public of the wrongheadedness of the pseudo-theory, and not cause unnecessary grievance to the person referred to. In the case of Evans, his Civil List Pension puts him in the category of dangerous crackpots, and it is a public service to call him out. Were it not for this, he would merely be a sad old man who should be left alone. (talk) 13:51, 13 September 2017 (UTC)
Evans continues: "We at AIAS / UPITEC have repulsed and routed the ad hominem attacks by Wikipedia, which has no credibility in the eyes of the scientific world when it comes to ECE theory or myself.. Wikipedia is a private company, it has no legal authority, no academic authority, no scholarly authority, and is not above the common law. It is frequently riddled with inaccuracies. I would describe the ad hominem attacks and gutter abuse on wikipedia as McCarthyism." MWE is certainly alert to many things Wikipedia is not, and one other thing it is not is some monolithic entity out to get him. The main page actually leaves out the worst of it, since Evans's self-incriminating outpourings on his website and blog do not pass muster as sufficiently independent evidence. If anything, he should be grateful that the picture Wikipedia sketches of him is as flattering as it is! By contrast, here on the talk page, we are at liberty to discuss the material supplied by MWE on his blog, and hence, for instance, point to his seedy associations with free-energy frauds and suchlike. (talk) 16:52, 13 September 2017 (UTC)
At one point, MWE held out high hopes that the Italian-language wiki might do him justice, and sadly for him, it now has, giving him even shorter shrift than the English-language one. Still, he has a friendly entry in the Welsh-language version. (talk) 08:13, 13 October 2017 (UTC)

MWE: "We all know that Wikipedia contains many errors, distortions and pejorative and unscientific comments. It is merely a populist private company and of course never does any experimental or theoretical work itself." Yes, Dr Evans (his pot is blacker than his kettle), that is specifically its encyclopedic remit; if we were allowed to include original research, this page would be so much tastier! (talk) 13:30, 19 October 2017 (UTC)

MWE: "I find that there have been no referrals at all since 1 / 1 / 2010 from the wildly pejorative and defamatory Wikipedia site on ECE [...] The wikipedia site was found to be defamatory by a leading internet firm of solicitors, and is also a criminal offence under the Malicious Communications Act." Of course, solicitors do not "find" things in the legal sense of the word, that is up to judges, and it would appear that MWE will have a hard time finding a solicitor who does not (a) immediately recognise him as a pest with a no-hope case and (b) can be persuaded to represent him despite his shaky financial position. (Yes, this comment was somewhat pejorative, but MWE's frequent complaints regarding his financial situation mitigate against the charge that I just made this up. And am I being malicious? Well, I would like MWE to come to his senses and cease his various fraudulent activities; if he does so, I wish him well and would hope that he spends his remaining days doing something more honest and productive.) (talk) 12:40, 30 October 2017 (UTC)

Evans continues: "I am in Wikipedia in several ways: Harrison and Meldola Medallist, Civil List Pensioner and Google Scholar. The Wikipedia entry on ECE is now a cashed [sic] relic that is a decade out of date. It is like a burnt out tank, a failed attempt to destroy ECE. It suppresses my real CV, which is found in the blue box of" This talk page is up to date though: lots of stuff on your levitating gyroscopes, and your new MZ theory, and so on. We cannot put it on the main page since your own blog is (wait for it) hearsay! Just publish it in a real journal, and it can be added. (talk) 08:20, 22 December 2017 (UTC)

"wikipedia [...] riddled with errors [...] is notorious for attacking the early ECE theory" Then publish the later versions of the ECE theory via a semi-respectable platform and we will be able to include it on the main page! As it is, we can only "attack" you by quoting your very own claims regarding "energy from nothing" and "anti-gravity" devices. (talk) 08:26, 6 March 2018 (UTC)
"This is the same defamation as appeared in 2005, and has been completely rejected by the international community. It still refers to energy from spacetime as energy from nothing, despite many rigorous demonstrations to the contrary. I think that defamation like this should be removed from the internet. In fact it has been countered and my true biography posted on the net. Wikipedia is run by volunteers who are often technically incompetent. Historical facts are severely distorted. As a result I can see from feedback that there is virtually no interest now in the defamation by Wikipedia. The Rossi e cat is still referred to as pseudoscience, despite the fact that it has been shown to be reproducible and repeatable many times over. I think that companies who protect reputation should be aware of the use of wikipedia for personal attacks. There ought to be a mechanism to get rid of defamation by Wikipedia, which is unreliable and which indulges in reputation attacks, and which never reads the work of scientists which it defames. It has been twelve or thirteen years since Wikipedia started these attacks, and its reputation has been shredded by an overwhelming international consensus against it. It is controlled by standard model dogmatists, who are allowed to write anything they like. Anything that is not standard model is branded as pseudoscience, without even reading the material that is being defamed."2A01:CB0C:CD:D800:ACC9:15E5:5B59:2ECF (talk) 13:30, 2 January 2019 (UTC)
Nonetheless... See Section ECE TECHNOLOGIES LTD below.2A01:CB0C:CD:D800:ACC9:15E5:5B59:2ECF (talk) 13:31, 2 January 2019 (UTC)

Evans: "The troublemaker has been an anonymous gentleman hiding behind wikipedia. There seems to be only one left, turning out the same old cobblers, afraid of open debate, and afraid of historical accuracy." Much of the material on this talk page consists of date-stamped direct quotes from the Evans blog. The (self-)incriminating nature of these passages, and any and all inaccuracies therein, belong wholly to MWE. As for anonymity, there is plenty of objective evidence that the would-be offended party is a mentally disturbed maniac. 2A01:CB0C:CD:D800:C509:DBF1:CBFD:CD (talk) 14:14, 5 January 2019 (UTC)

Evans: "Any unauthorized copying of any part of the [Evans] site for use on another site is strictly prohibited, and all rights are reserved." This appears to be a move by MWE to render the present wiki talk page (and the CPW blog which he despises) in a state of infringement. Any lawyer could tell MWE that the brief, attributed, and annotated citation that happens here and on CPW falls under the fair use provisions. 2A01:CB0C:CD:D800:F4EC:BD77:C22B:62FD (talk) 10:28, 29 January 2019 (UTC)

The Uchelwr of Mawr

In addition to his self-styling as an Armiger (which he equates to "Squire" and also "Laird") Evans claims to be an "Uchelwr" (chieftain of a Cantref; Mawr used to be a Cantref so that's at least consistent with the "Armiger of Mawr" stuff) which he places above Gentleman and just one rung below a Prince. Apparently his claim to this high rank derives from genealogical research. Documentation of this research often accompanies his blog; it is usually written in his own hand. Are there any people out there with legitimate claims to being an "Uchelwr" and do they count Evans as one of their number? (talk) 10:33, 24 March 2017 (UTC)

Here is MWE, reiterating his exalted status and explaining his policies as Uchelwr, which he has discussed "with Elizabeth Evans, sometime Labour candidate for Gower, and Linda Frame, Plaid Cymru Councillor for Mawr. Both agreed entirely with my views, my Bro Iaith policy. Armiger is the Latin for Squire, a person granted a coat of farms in law of arms. My rank in the Brisih system is Uchelwr, beasue of proven descent from the Princes. The following are some major points of my policy as Squire.

1) All land in Mawr should be nationalized [...]. 2) Mawr should become [...] an area where Welsh is spoken naturally [...] Old people [...] like myself can hardly speak English. 3) [...] law and order problems and unsolved cases [...] 4) [...] double yellow lines are needed [...] 5) The electoral system is [...] an electoral dictatorship. 6) [...] wind turbines [...] are entirely useless [...] when I was at Cornell [which is impressive for one who hardly speaks English!] 7) I have personally fought against vandals [...]" — Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 14:44, 10 July 2017 (UTC)

Evans claims that residents of Mawr appeal to his help and advice in his capacity as a local authority: "A few people have spoken to me as Armiger or Squire about [...] the sale of [Pen yr Heol Fach] after almost two hundred years [...] there is intense anger and resentment, conveyed to me as Welsh-speaking Armiger or Squire, born in Mawr." (talk) 14:41, 25 October 2017 (UTC)

As of January 2018, Evans admits that the government of Mawr has ignored him: "The Welsh language in Mawr will become extinct due if my Bro Iaith policy is not implemented."

February 2018: "[...] all that has been lost in this village: language, culture, sense of community, and law and order. It can and must be regained by implementation of my Bro Iaith policy. This needs complete independence or Wales, and a real Welsh Assembly with full powers of taxation and defense." Fellow villagers might mention a certain armiger as an element in the breakdown of "sense of community, and law and order" in the village... (talk) 10:03, 28 February 2018 (UTC)

The Uchelwr of Mawr makes his concerns know through poetry, e.g. these Miltonian lines littered with surprisingly modern nouns: "The raven of the ruined village scoured/ Like a crazed developer for meat/ For earth, nurture, voices, enlightenment/ Buried by a litter of ugly cars." A vaguely familiar simile: "The pig’s discarded skull glared at remnants/ A skull in the dirt of time that housed the flies/ The pig ruled decay with sweet corrupt lies." And the pacinian: "Come and Say Hello to my Horse" (talk) 10:20, 29 March 2018 (UTC)

The Uchelwr of Mawr is not happy with lawyer's fees, views them as another injustice done to the Celtic peoples: "Lawyers [...] making money for next to no work [...] not interested in natural justice and impose an Anglo Norman law on the law of Hywel Dda." (talk) 07:17, 24 May 2018 (UTC)

"As Squire or Armiger I do not take part in politics." Satire is dead... 2A01:CB0C:CD:D800:D9D8:AA81:558A:974 (talk) 09:07, 2 February 2019 (UTC)

Low energy nuclear reactions

MWE commenting on some work of his: "The paper makes the point that low energy nuclear reactions (LENR) are due to the newly discovered attractive m force of ECE unified field theory." LENR devices are generally acknowledged to be a scam, as discussed here. The fact that Evans believes that his theory explains fraudulent pseudoscience is just so more evidence that his work is ditto. 2A01:CB0C:CD:D800:89D0:3D10:85EC:6A7C (talk) 10:38, 17 February 2019 (UTC)

Availabity [sic] for Chancellor

MWE wrote to the Vice Chancellor’s Office, University of Swansea, "to indicate my availabilty [sic] for the post of Chancellor, being a fluent first language Welsh speaker and native of Craig Cefn Parc, author over two thousand papers and books, a poet [if not practiced hyphenator] in both languages. I wish to pay my respects to the late Chancellor, Rt. Hon. Rhodri Morgan. [...] Currently I am Co President with Gareth Evans of AIAS / UPITEC, the most prestigious research institute of its kind in the world." There is a large body of literature concerning the slippery notion of a natural kind; and the concept afford enough flexibility to consider that AIAS / UPITEC is really the only one of its kind (devoted to the promulgation of ECE theory) which would make the the most prestigious one by default --- as well as the least prestigious one, for that matter. (talk) 15:24, 10 October 2017 (UTC)

Exactly why Swansea would look kindly on this offer is not clear, given MWE's habitual - ahem - defecation on this fine establishment, such as the following: "[U]nranked by Shanghai. Not very good at all. There is a Vice Chancellor called Richard B. Davies (of whom I have never heard) who gets a salary of £179,000 a year [...] [T]he honorary awards system at Swansea refuses to recognize scholarship of the highest order [...] My treatment by physics, Swansea [...] was less than entirely delightful [...] The Head of Department, someone called K. Meissner, has an h index of 5, not enough for tenure [...] Mediocrities or poor quality staff [...] I wouldn’t pay the huge fees to go there [...] it is a joke paid for by taxation" (talk) 15:27, 10 October 2017 (UTC)

"There have been no objections to my availability as Chancellor, because I am Wales’ most productive scholar and have been a Scientiae Doctor of the University of Wales since 1978." There has not been any support either, though. (talk) 06:53, 16 October 2017 (UTC)

In March 2019, Evans stated that "I can volunteer to run Bangor for £30,000 a year, and don’t need cushions." 2A01:CB0C:CD:D800:1855:CF39:26E3:73A1 (talk) 14:24, 30 March 2019 (UTC)

The ultra-prolific Evans

"From 1978 to 1983 my Aberystwyth group out produced the combined total of all the staff members at the EDCL. At IBM I was the most productive member of the Clementi environment during my year as IBM Professor. At Cornell Theory Center* my work was featured in NSF reports, and this helped keep the Theory Center open. [...] At UNCC I outproduced the physics faculty combined. My most successful years have been from 2003 to present, as Director and later Co President of AIAS." *) "No matches found in the main Cornell directory." (talk) 07:19, 11 April 2018 (UTC)

Addendum: MWE has now stated that no papers under his name can be found at this site, because a supervisor (Clementi) put his name to these works. To be fair on MWE, this is an all too common practice in research establishments. The only implausible element here is that MWE claims he was an "IBM Professor" - it is most commonly post-doctoral staff who are abused in this manner, not professors. Then again, MWE may not actually have been a "professor" of any description at IBM; he has the tendency to retrofit his past employments with this title. Oh what webs we weave... 2A01:CB0C:CD:D800:C0BA:B829:8FD2:F353 (talk) 12:34, 25 April 2019 (UTC)
IBM, by the way, quickly moved to abolish MWE's IBM professorship while MWE was visiting Zurich for a brief span of time. If MWE was, as he asserts, "the most productive member of the Clementi environment" one has to wonder if there may have been a quantity versus quality consideration underpinning IBM's rather underhanded manoeuvre. Still following MWE's own blog posts as our source, the discontinuation of employment "forced" MWE to take up a professorship (another professorship!) at an establishment which MWE immediately denounces as "corrupt".2A01:CB0C:CD:D800:C0BA:B829:8FD2:F353 (talk) 12:44, 25 April 2019 (UTC)