In mathematics – more specifically, in functional analysis and numerical analysisStechkin's lemma is a result about the q norm of the tail of a sequence, when the whole sequence is known to have finite ℓp norm. Here, the term "tail" means those terms in the sequence that are not among the N largest terms, for an arbitrary natural number N. Stechkin's lemma is often useful when analysing best-N-term approximations to functions in a given basis of a function space. The result was originally proved by Stechkin in the case .

Statement of the lemma


Let   and let   be a countable index set. Let   be any sequence indexed by  , and for   let   be the indices of the   largest terms of the sequence   in absolute value. Then




Thus, Stechkin's lemma controls the ℓq norm of the tail of the sequence   (and hence the ℓq norm of the difference between the sequence and its approximation using its   largest terms) in terms of the ℓp norm of the full sequence and an rate of decay.

Proof of the lemma


W.l.o.g. we assume that the sequence   is sorted by   and we set   for notation.

First, we reformulate the statement of the lemma to


Now, we notice that for  


Using this, we can estimate


as well as


Also, we get by p norm equivalence:


Putting all these ingredients together completes the proof.


  • Schneider, Reinhold; Uschmajew, André (2014). "Approximation rates for the hierarchical tensor format in periodic Sobolev spaces". Journal of Complexity. 30 (2): 56–71. CiteSeerX doi:10.1016/j.jco.2013.10.001. ISSN 0885-064X. See Section 2.1 and Footnote 5.