Standard for the Andalusian Language

The Standard for the Andalusian Language (Andalusian Spanish: Êttandâ pal andalûh) (EPA) is an unofficial standardized orthographic system for the dialect of Spanish spoken in Andalusia.

Graffiti in Seville with text in EPA. The text says Êccribe n'andalûh manque çea por molêttâh, "Write in Andalusian even if it is only to bother".



EPA differs from standard Spanish orthography in reflecting the differences between Andalusian speakers and speakers of standard Peninsular Spanish. Notable differences include:[1]

  • /s/ is represented with <ç> before /e/ and /i/
  • The unvoiced palatal affricate /tʃ/ is represented with <x> (as in Catalan)
  • Geminated consonants, which occur in Andalusian Spanish following a syllable ending in a dropped /s/, are represented with a doubled consonant
  • Vowels immediately preceding a dropped /s/ are marked with a circumflex, and, at the end of the word, a <h> added
  • All instances of <h> that are not pronounced in standard Spanish are removed
  • <v> is removed and replaced in all instances with <b>, as both represent the voiced bilabial fricative /β/ with no distinction



Article 1 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights in EPA, standard Spanish, and English:

Standard for Andalusian Standard Spanish English
Tôh lô çerê umanô naçen librê e igualê en dînnidá y derexô y, dotaô como êttán de raçón y conçiençia, deben comportarçe fratênnarmente lô unô con lô otrô. Todos los seres humanos nacen libres e iguales en dignidad y derechos y, dotados como están de razón y conciencia, deben comportarse fraternalmente los unos con los otros. All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood.


  1. ^ García, Mariángeles (8 November 2021). "Traductor andaluz: ¿Cómo se escribe en andaluz 'No sé escribir en andaluz'?". Yorokobu (in Spanish).