Sasanishiki is a Japanese rice variety from Sendai, Japan.

Suitou Nourin No.150 (Touhoku No.78)
SpeciesOryza sativa
Hybrid parentage'Sasashigure' × 'Hatsunishiki'
SubspeciesO. s. subsp. japonica
Cultivar groupTemperate japonica
Marketing namesSasanishiki
OriginFurukawa, Miyagi, Japan 1963

Sasanishiki was created as a mixture of Hatsunishiki and Sasashigure at Furukawa Agricultural Experiment Station in Miyagi Prefecture in Japan in 1963.[1] The unique feature of this particular kind of Japanese rice is its ability to keep the same taste even when cooling down. This makes it good for sushi, and some sushi restaurants in Japan advertise the use of this rice.

See also



  1. ^ Nagano, Kuniaki; Sasaki, Kunihiko; Endo, Takashi (2013). "Breeding of new rice cultivar 'Tohoku 194' with 'Sasanishiki'-type good eating quality of cooked rice". Breeding Science. 63 (2): 233–237. doi:10.1270/jsbbs.63.233. PMC 3688386. PMID 23853519.