Sama Al-Awael Private School

Sama Al-Awael School (SAS) (Arabic : مدرسة سما الاوائل) is a private educational institution located in As Salt, Jordan. It was established in 2008 and included only middle and Secondary Grades. The school in 2012 has relocated and expanded and now includes all 12 grades plus a kindergarten (KG) for pre-education.

Sama Al-Awael School

Religious affiliation(s)Islam - Teaches Islamic religion
Key peopleAbd Al-Wali Arabiat
Average class size65 sq.m. – 100 sq.m
Student to teacher ratio9/1
Campus15,000 square meters
Color(s)baby blue , yellow, green, purple

SAS only offers the Jordanian high school program (Tawjihi) .