At least three steamships have been called Yarrowdale. Each bore the name when owned by Robert MacKill & Co of Glasgow, who may have named them after the valley of Yarrow Water in southern Scotland. All three ships were later renamed.

  • USS Long Beach (AK-9) was built as Yarrowdale in 1892, renamed Nicolaos Castriotis in 1902, Hohenfelde in 1912, Long Beach in 1917, and scrapped in 1924.[1]
  • Aoki Maru was built as Boukadra in 1910, renamed Yarrowdale in 1929, Sung-Shan in 1935, Amba Alagi in 1938 and Aoki Maru in 1941, and sunk in 1944.[2]
  • SMS Leopard (1912) was built as Yarrowdale in 1912, captured in 1916, converted into the German commerce raider Leopard, and sunk in 1917.[3]


  1. ^ "Yarrowdale". Wear Built Ships. Shipping and Shipbuilding Research Trust. Retrieved 18 November 2022.
  2. ^ "Boukadra". Tees Built Ships. Shipping and Shipbuilding Research Trust. Retrieved 18 November 2022.
  3. ^ "Yarrowdale". Tyne Built Ships. Shipping and Shipbuilding Research Trust. Retrieved 18 November 2022.