Portal:Bible/Featured chapter/Numbers 26

God instructs Moses and Eleazar to take a census of Israelite men 20 years old and up. The census totals 601,730 in all.

PEOPLE: יהוה‎ YHVH - Moses - Eleazar - Aaron - Children of Israel - Tribe of Reuben - Hanoch - Pallu - Hezron (son of Reuben) - Carmi - Eliab - Nemuel (son of Eliab) - Dathan - Abiram - Korah - Tribe of Simeon - Nemuel (son of Simeon) - Jamin - Jachin - Zerah (son of Simeon) - Shaul (son of Simeon) - Tribe of Gad - Zephon - Haggi - Shuni - Ozni - Eri - Arod - Areli - Tribe of Judah - Er - Onan - Shelah - Pharez - Zerah (son of Judah) - Hezron (son of Pharez) - Hamul - Tribe of Issachar - Tola - Pua - Jashub - Shimron - Tribe of Zebulun - Sered - Elon - Jahleel - Tribe of Joseph - Tribe of Manasseh - Machir - Gilead - Jeezer - Helek - Asriel - Shechem - Shemida - Hepher - Zelophehad - Mahlah - Noah - Hoglah - Milcah - Tirzah - Tribe of Ephraim - Shuthelah - Becher - Tahan - Eran - Tribe of Benjamin - Bela - Ashbel - Ahiram - Shupham - Hupham - Ard - Naaman - Tribe of Dan - Shuham - Tribe of Asher - Jimna - Jesui - Beriah - Heber - Malchiel - Sarah - Tribe of Naphtali - Jahzeel - Guni - Jezer - Shillem - Levites - Gershon - Kohath - Merari - Libnites - Hebronites - Mahlites - Mushites - Korathites - Kohath - Amram - Jochebed - Miriam - Nadab - Abihu - Ithamar - Caleb - Jephunneh - Joshua - Nun

PLACES: Moab - Jordan River - Jericho

RELATED ARTICLES: Pinechas (parsha) - Kohen

ENGLISH TEXT: American Standard - Douay-Rheims - Free - King James - Jewish Publication Society - Tyndale - World English - Wycliffe