Portal:Bible/Featured chapter/July 27, 2006

Judah marries and has three sons, Er, Onan, Shelah. Er marries Tamar, but dies childless. According to custom his widow is given in marriage to his brother Onan, who is slain for misconduct; and she is then promised to the third son, Shelah. This promise is not fulfilled, and Tamar disguises herself as a temple prostitute and offers herself to her father-in-law Judah. She claims his staff and signet as pledge of payment. When she later becomes pregnant and Judah accuses her of fornication, she produces the staff and signet and identifies Judah himself as the father. Tamar had twin sons, Zarah and Pharez.

PEOPLE: Judah - Hirah the Adullamite - daughter of Shuah - Er - Onan - Shelah - Tamar - יהוה‎ YHWH - Pharez - Zarah

PLACES: Chezib - Timnath


ENGLISH: American Standard - Douay-Rheims - King James - World English - Wycliffe