Portal:Bible/Featured chapter/Ezra 4

The adversaries of the Jews make efforts to hinder the Jews from building the Temple. A letter is written to Artaxerxes to procure a prohibition of the construction of the Temple, and the work is interrupted till the second year of Darius.

PEOPLE: Tribe of Judah - Tribe of Benjamin - יהוה YHVH God - Zerubbabel - Jeshua - Cyrus - Darius - Ahasuerus - Artaxerxes - Bishlam - Mithredath - Tabeel - Rehum - Shimshai - Dinaites - Apharsathchites - Tarpelites - Apharsites - Archevites - Babylonians - Susanchites - Dehavites - Elamites - Asnapper

PLACES: Assur - Persia - Kingdom of Judah - Jerusalem - Samaria

RELATED ARTICLES: Second Temple - Esarhaddon - Syrian language

ENGLISH TEXT: American Standard - Douay-Rheims - Free - King James - Jewish Publication Society - Tyndale - World English - Wycliffe