Portal:Bible/Featured chapter/Exodus 39

Bezalel, Oholiab, and their coworkers make the priests’ vestments, the ephod, the breastpiece, the robe, the tunics of fine linen, and the frontlet inscribed “Holy to the Lord” — just as God had commanded Moses. Then they bring the Tabernacle and all its furnishings to Moses, and he blesses them.

PEOPLE: Bezalel - Oholiab - Aaron and his sons - יהוה‎ YHVH - Moses - children of Israel

PLACES: Biblical Mount Sinai

RELATED ARTICLES: Pekudei - Vestments - Ephod - Gold - Linen - Wire - Onyx - Engraving - Tribes of Israel - Breastplate - Sardius - Ruby - Topaz - Carbuncle - Emerald - Turquoise - Sapphire - Diamond - Ligure - Jacinth - Agate - Amethyst - Beryl - Chrysolite - Jasper - Robe - Pomegranates - Bell - Mitre - crown - Tabernacle - Ram - תחשtachash (badger | sea cow | seal | dolphin) - Veil - Ark of the Covenant - Mercy seat - Showbread - Menorah - Oil - Altar - Holy anointing oil - Brass - Laver - Kohen

ENGLISH TEXT: American Standard - Douay-Rheims - Free - King James - Jewish Publication Society - Tyndale - World English - Wycliffe