Portal:Bible/Featured chapter/Exodus 25

God instructs Moses to tell all Israelites whose heart so moves them to bring gifts to make a sanctuary — the Tabernacle — and its furnishings, so that God can dwell among them. God instructs them to make the Ark of the Covenant, a table on which to set the bread of display or shewbread, and a six-branched, seven-lamped lampstand — menorah — of pure gold.

PEOPLE: יהוה‎ YHVHMoses

PLACES: Biblical Mount Sinai

RELATED ARTICLES: Terumah (parsha)children of IsraelofferinggoldsilverbrasslinenGoatRamתחשtachash (badger | sea cow | seal | dolphin) – AcaciaOilSpiceIncenseOnyxEphodBreastplateTabernacleArk of the CovenantMercy seatCherubShowbreadMenorah

ENGLISH TEXT: American StandardDouay–RheimsFreeKing JamesJewish Publication SocietyTyndaleWorld EnglishWycliffe