Portal:Bible/Featured chapter/1 Samuel 5

The Philistines take the Ark of the Covenant to their temple to Dagon. The next morning, the Dagon statue is found prostrate before the Ark; so they adjust the statue, but the morning after it is found broken into pieces. The town surrounding it falls victim to a plague, so the Philistines resign themselves to get rid of the ark, first sending it on to Gath, and then to Ekron, both of which fall victim to the plague.

PEOPLE: Philistinesיהוה YHVH GodEkronites

PLACES: Eben-EzerAshdodGathEkron

RELATED ARTICLES: Ark of the CovenantDagonEmerods

ENGLISH TEXT: American StandardDouay–RheimsFreeKing JamesJewish Publication SocietyTyndaleWorld EnglishWycliffe