Portal:African cinema/Selected article/15

logo of Recontres du Film Court Madagascar
Laza Razanajatovo

Rencontres du Film Court Madagascar is an annual film festival held in the capital Antananarivo that showcases short films from around the continent. It is the only film festival in Madagascar. This year’s festival takes place from July 5-12.

The Festival was founded in 2006 by Laza Razanajatovo, known as Laza, a Malagasy filmmaker and producer, and is organized by L'Association Rencontres du Film Court, the Institut Français de Madagascar, and Rozifilms. The festival receives around 350 films from 40 African countries for the official competition. About thirty films make it to the final selection and screen in one of four categories: fiction, documentary, animation, and audience award.

The award of RFC is called Zebu d'Or (Golden Zebu) and is handed out to the winner of each competition category.