Pietro Ruga (died 1850s?)[1] was an Italian engraver, best known for his architectural views (vedute) of Roman monuments, churches and squares.[2]

He also was a draughtsman of a few maps of Rome during the late 18th and early 19th centuries, including Pianta topografica della città di Roma dell' anno 1849. Among the subjects of his engravings are the Basilica di Santa Maria Maggiore, St. Peter's Basilica, Basilica of Santo Stefano Rotondo, Piazza Navona and Piazza del Quirinale.


  1. ^ One of his prints is dated 1849. Prince Pietro Odescalchi, Elogio del professore Pietro Ruga Romano, published by A. Boulzaler 1825, records a death in 1825, but this refers to a different Pietro Ruga, a lawyer and professor of civil law at the Sapienza in Rome, not to the artist of the same name
  2. ^ Achille Parboni and Bullino da Pietro, Nuova Raccolta delle principali vedute antiche e moderne dell'alma citta di Roma e sue vicinanze, Rome, 1830, cited in Catalogue of Books in the Library of the Ladies' Art and Science Class of Milwaukee, page 98.