Martin Mander is an entrepreneur based out of Estonia with investments across Europe, Russia, and the Middle East.[1][2][3]

Martin Mander
Born19. April 1985

In 2012, he was awarded Mr. Year Estonia pageant by Manhunt International.[4] In 2018, he was named the only level 8 marketer in Estonia by Lyoness.[5]


  1. ^ "FOTOD | Eesti Lyonessi-võrkturundaja Martin Mander sai kingituseks Lamborghini". Õhtuleht (in Estonian).
  2. ^ "Martin Mander talks about what helped him grow as a luxury influencer". Mid-Day. 22 October 2019.
  3. ^ "Martin Mander: 6 Things I Wish Someone Told Me Before I Became An Entrepreneur". The Asian Age. 19 October 2019.
  4. ^ "Kauneim mees jälgib ninaesist, suvepiiga teeb iga päev trenni". Õhtuleht (in Estonian).
  5. ^ "Kuni 150 tuhat eurot kuus teeniv Lyonessi-võrkturundaja: "Miljonär ma ei ole. Ferrarit pole saanud"". Eesti Ekspress.