Marco Rigamonti, is an Italian writer, essayist, novelist and esotericist, born in Treviso, Italy on December 27, 1977.

Marco Rigamonti

He is the current Grand Master of the controversial organization known as the Priory of Sion since 2016. Given leadership by Gino Sandri, the protégé of Pierre Plantard, Rigamonti is the leader of the Priory of Sion. He is also known to be a member of a Knights Templar group known as OSMTH/SMOTJ.


  • Il Priorato di Sion - Dalla tradizione all'et à moderna - ISBN 8894894185
  • La Doctrine du Prieuré de Sion - ISBN 8894894495
  • Rituals and regulations of the Priory of Sion - ISBN 8855010131
  • Les dossiers secrets du Prieuré De Sion - Henri Lobineau - Introduction de Marco Rigamonti - Grand Maître du Prieuré de Sion - Ordre de la Rose-Croix Véritas O.D.L.R.C.V. (Francese) - Copertina flessibile – 12 March 2020
  • Il Priorato di Sion presenta: ai piedi del monte, difendendo la rosa: Parabole tra la rosa e la croce (introduzione)
  • Arca di Sion - di Francesca Valentina Salcioli - Con intervista al Gran Maestro del Priorato di Sion

