In Australian Aboriginal religion and mythology, Mar'rallang was the name shared by twin sisters who lived together. They both married the same man.

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Having heard of a young hunter, both Mar'rallang and her sister Mar'rallang set out to meet him. While he is hunting game, the eldest of the sisters is hides in a bush and imitates the cry of a female emu. Attracted by the noise, the hunter discovers her laughing at him. A few days later, the younger sister plays the same trick. Falling under the charm of the two sisters, the hunter marries them against his uncle's advice. The uncle, upset, seeks advice from Nebalee, a wise man of heaven and brother of the Great Spirit. He is given the advice to separate his nephew from the two women.

To separate them, the man chooses to use the fire. One night, taking advantage of their sleep, he sets fire to their encampment. Awakened by noise and smoke, the young hunter and his wives quickly find themselves encircled and trapped by the flames. Seeing no escape, the hunter confides his spear to his wives and asks Nebalee to save the two Mar'rallang, making fun of his own fate. Nebalee replies by raising his spear (on which Mar'rallang and Mar'rallang were standing) towards the sky. The husband sees his wives disappear, but before he sinks into unconsciousness because of the smoke, he hears a voice say to him "take your place among the stars to remind people to think of others before thinking about oneself".

It is not known which stars the narrative is attached to, but the hunter hero is associated with Mars.