Malawi–United Kingdom relations

Malawi and the United Kingdom have formal diplomatic relations. They are both Commonwealth countries.

Malawi-United Kingdom relations
Map indicating locations of Malawi and United Kingdom


United Kingdom



British influence in modern-day Malawi began through a system of foreign influence when Nyasaland became a British protectorate under a colonial administration. The Queen of Great Britain became the Queen of Nyasaland. Nyasaland gained independence on 6 July 1964 and has since known as Malawi.

Post colonial relations


Malawi has had diplomatic relations with United Kingdom during the post-colonial era.

Cochrane-Dyet cable


Malawi and the UK found themselves in a diplomatic row in 2012 that resulted in the mutual expulsion of their envoys. Bingu wa Mutharika expelled British High Commissioner Fergus Cochrane-Dyet for calling him "arrogant" and "intolerant" after a leaked cable was published in The Nation newspaper. The United Kingdom in return expelled acting High Commissioner Flossie Gomile-Chidyaonga and revoked her invitation to the royal wedding of the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge. Relations were restored after Joyce Banda came into power.

See also


