A lost toponym is a name given to a place which is no longer known or identifiable.[1]

For example, in 1618 the crew of the Mauritius explored a river in north-western Australia, which they named Willems Revier ("Willem's River"). However it is not now known which river they explored, so Willems River cannot be placed on a present-day map. Willems River is therefore a lost toponym.


  1. ^ Apriadsa, Albina; Anggoro, Habib Sidiq; Cahyono, Ari; Apriadna, Rossaydiana (2019-05-04). "Unveil the 'lost toponyms' in the northern part of the Menoreh Mountains, Java, Indonesia". International Journal of Cartography. 5 (2–3): 242–254. doi:10.1080/23729333.2019.1611025. ISSN 2372-9333.