List of Cal State Los Angeles Diablos head football coaches

The Cal State Los Angeles Diablos college football team represented California State University, Los Angeles from 1951 to 1977. The Diablos competed in the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) College Division

The program had seven different head coaches in its 27 seasons of existence, including one who had multiple tenures as coach.


No. Coach Tenure Seasons Win Loss Tie Pct. Bowls
1 Leonard Adams 1951–1962 12 41 61 6 .407 0
2 Homer Beatty 1963–1965 3 25 2 0 .926 1
3 Jim Williams
(totals included on line 7)
4 Walter Thurmond 1969 1 0 9 0 .000 0
5 Bob Enger 1970 1 1 9 0 .100 0
6 Foster Andersen 1971–1973 3 9 21 1 .306 0
7 Jim Williams 1974–1975 5 17 29 2 .375 0
8 Ron Hull 1976–1977 2 9 8 1 .528 0
   Totals   1951–1977   27  102  139  10 .426  1

