Lebesgue's number lemma

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In topology, the Delta number, is a useful tool in the study of compact metric spaces. It states:

If the metric space is compact and an open cover of is given, then there exists a number such that every subset of having diameter less than is contained in some member of the cover.

Such a number is called a Delta number of this cover. The notion of a Delta number itself is useful in other applications as well.



Direct Proof


Let   be an open cover of  . Since   is compact we can extract a finite subcover  . If any one of the  's equals   then any   will serve as a Delta number. Otherwise for each  , let  , note that   is not empty, and define a function   by


Since   is continuous on a compact set, it attains a minimum  . The key observation is that, since every   is contained in some  , the extreme value theorem shows  . Now we can verify that this   is the desired Delta number. If   is a subset of   of diameter less than  , choose   as any point in  , then by definition of diameter,  , where   denotes the ball of radius   centered at  . Since   there must exist at least one   such that  . But this means that   and so, in particular,  .

Proof by Contradiction


Suppose for contradiction that that   is sequentially compact,   is an open cover of  , and the Lebesgue number   does not exist. That is: for all  , there exists   with   such that there does not exist   with  .

This enables us to perform the following construction:


Note that   for all  , since  . It is therefore possible by the axiom of choice to construct a sequence   in which   for each  . Since   is sequentially compact, there exists a subsequence   (with  ) that converges to  .

Because   is an open cover, there exists some   such that  . As   is open, there exists   with  . Now we invoke the convergence of the subsequence  : there exists   such that   implies  .

Furthermore, there exists   such that  . Hence for all  , we have   implies  .

Finally, define   such that   and  . For all  , notice that:

  •  , because  .
  •  , because   entails  .

Hence   by the triangle inequality, which implies that  . This yields the desired contradiction.


  • Munkres, James R. (1974), Topology: A first course, p. 179, ISBN 978-0-13-925495-6