The Hypolemmal cisternae is found within a perikaryon (cell body (soma) of a neuron not including the nucleus) and is a specialized part of the Smooth ER[1] that extends into the dendrites and axon.[2][3] Hypolemmal cisternae is found directly beneath the plasmalemma and is continuous with the Rough ER of the soma. Its function is unclear.


  1. ^ "hypolemmal cisterna - Ontology Browser - Rat Genome Database". Retrieved 2020-03-04.
  2. ^ Raine, Cedric S. (1999). "Characteristics of the Neuron". Basic Neurochemistry: Molecular, Cellular and Medical Aspects. 6th Edition.
  3. ^ Palay, Sanford L. (1974). Cerebellar cortex: cytology and organization. Chan-Palay, Victoria. Berlin: Springer. p. 29. ISBN 978-3-642-65581-4. OCLC 598552860.