Hlongwane surname started to be used after the death of the Paramount King of Vahlengwe kingdom's king Zinjhiva Zondwayo mfana ka Mafuthana, his real surname was Mafuthana. The surname Mafuthana was used by Zinjhiva’s grandfather, Rikokotse and father, Ntobyayila, after them, and Zinjhiva introduced the new surname, by his speech and poems, even praise of his surname or great nation of Mafuthana. Zinjhiva was born at around 1400s centuary and died at around 1500s centuary, he left 57 wives with children, and his sons dispesed after his death some drove to the side of Transvaal homeland and, some to Natal land, some to Cape of good hope, some to Swaziland, and some to Lesotho, and he left a great nation in the Zimbabwe, Mozambique and Zambia Hlongwane' is a surname. Notable people with the surname include: