Gujarwas[1] is a village located in Ateli tehsil, Mahendragarh district, Haryana, India.

The village is on the Ateli–Mahendergarh road and is 5 kilometres from Ateli and 19 kilometres from Mahendergarh. The village has three government schools: one boys school up to metric and two schools for girls, one up to primary and another up to senior secondary class.

As on 2011, the population of Gujarwas was 2174, amongst the 357 households, out of which 52% males and 48% females, 28% are adults age between 35 and 60, and 14% are senior above age 60. Most people are involved in agricultural activities to earn.[2]

Temples edit

There are four main temples in the village, including Baba Gobindas. A Mela is celebrating every year on Chaitra Dwadasi three days before Holi celebration.

References edit

  1. ^ "Google Maps". Google Maps. Retrieved 23 April 2016.
  2. ^ "DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK" (PDF). Census India.

28°07′18″N 76°14′22″E / 28.12167°N 76.23944°E / 28.12167; 76.23944