Godefroi, Count of Montaigu

Count Godfried (died 1161) was Count of Montaigu and Clermont by inheritance, and Count of Duras by virtue of his marriage. He was also seigneur (lord) of Rochefort, and advocate of Dinant.

His parents were Lambert, Count of Montaigu and Clermont, and his wife Gertrud.

Godfried married Juliane, daughter of Otto II, Count of Duras, and his wife Berthe of Valenciennes. They had five children:

Upon the death of Godfried, his son Gilles inherited all three counties. Pierre is also listed as a Count of Montaigu, but as he died before his older brother, it is not clear that he ever actually held the title. After Conon's death, his brother-in-law Wery II de Walcourt became Count of Montaigu and Clermont, whereas Gérard II, Count of Looz, became the Count of Duras.


  • Wolters, Joseph Mathias, Notice Historique sur l’Ancien Comté de Duras en Hesbaie, Gyselinck, 1855 (available on Google Books)
  • C. G. Roland (1893), "Les seigneurs et comtes de Rochefort", Annales de la Société archéologique de Namur, 20: 63–141.