Fuglede−Kadison determinant

In mathematics, the Fuglede−Kadison determinant of an invertible operator in a finite factor is a positive real number associated with it. It defines a multiplicative homomorphism from the set of invertible operators to the set of positive real numbers. The Fuglede−Kadison determinant of an operator is often denoted by .

For a matrix in , which is the normalized form of the absolute value of the determinant of .



Let   be a finite factor with the canonical normalized trace   and let   be an invertible operator in  . Then the Fuglede−Kadison determinant of   is defined as


(cf. Relation between determinant and trace via eigenvalues). The number   is well-defined by continuous functional calculus.


  •   for invertible operators  ,
  •   for  
  •   is norm-continuous on  , the set of invertible operators in  
  •   does not exceed the spectral radius of  .

Extensions to singular operators


There are many possible extensions of the Fuglede−Kadison determinant to singular operators in  . All of them must assign a value of 0 to operators with non-trivial nullspace. No extension of the determinant   from the invertible operators to all operators in  , is continuous in the uniform topology.

Algebraic extension


The algebraic extension of   assigns a value of 0 to a singular operator in  .

Analytic extension


For an operator   in  , the analytic extension of   uses the spectral decomposition of   to define   with the understanding that   if  . This extension satisfies the continuity property




Although originally the Fuglede−Kadison determinant was defined for operators in finite factors, it carries over to the case of operators in von Neumann algebras with a tracial state ( ) in the case of which it is denoted by  .


  • Fuglede, Bent; Kadison, Richard (1952), "Determinant theory in finite factors", Ann. Math., Series 2, 55 (3): 520–530, doi:10.2307/1969645, JSTOR 1969645.