Experimental design diagram

Experimental Design Diagram (EDD) is a diagram used in science to design an experiment. This diagram helps to identify the essential components of an experiment. It includes a title, the research hypothesis and null hypothesis, the independent variable, the levels of the independent variable, the number of trials, the dependent variable, the operational definition of the dependent variable and the constants.[1]


  1. ^
    Title The Effect of Different-Aged Compost on Bean Growth
    Hypothesis If older compost is applied, then plant growth will be increased, because....
    Independent Variable Age of Compost
    Levels of IV 3-month-old Compost 6-month-old compost No compost
    Repeated Trials 25 plants 25 plants 25 plants
    Dependent Variable Height of Plants (cm)
    Constants Amount of light; Amount of water; Amount of compost

    Students and Research: Practical Strategies for Science Classrooms and Competitions, 3rd Edition, by Cothron, Giese, & Rezba (2000). Kendall/Hunt Publishing