Duluth Hardware Kellys

The Duluth Hardware Kellys were an amateur ice hockey team based in Duluth, Minnesota during the early 1900s. In 1907, the team won the U.S. Amateur championship.[1] When the U.S. Hockey Hall of Fame opened in Eveleth, Minnesota in 1973, Coddy Winters, of the team, was one of the first players to be enshrined in the Hall.[2] The team was sponsored by Northern Kelly Hardware, who would later go on to sponsor the Duluth Kelleys of the National Football League[3] from 1923-1925.


  1. ^ "Duluth Hornets". Vintage Minnesota Hockey - History.
  2. ^ "Frank "Coddy" Winters". US Hockey Hall of Fame Museum.
  3. ^ "July 28, 1923: Duluth joins the National Football League". Zenith City Press. Archived from the original on 4 October 2023.