Draft:Written Communication

Written communication is the exchange of information, thoughts, or ideas through written language in the form of letters, emails, notes, reports, newspapers, etc. It is less efficient than oral communication due to the lack of immediate feedback, although it uses more complex grammatical and lexical expressions. Written communication allows the receiver plenty of time to read and to understand the information but what is more important is that it endures over the course of time.

Effective written communication requires incorporating a comprehensive set of principles or guidelines such as:

·        Adequacy: addressing the content with the right tone and level of formality.

·        Accuracy: maintaining precision and concision in content.

·        Correctness: using proper grammar, vocabulary, punctuation, and spelling.

·        Coherence: organizing ideas un a logical manner.

·        Cohesion: connecting the sentences and paragraphs to prevent the reader from losing information. Category:Communication