Draft:World Love Life Dreams: Experiences That Made Me To Write

World Love Life Dreams is a captivating collection of poems by the Indian English poet Syed Parvez Rahaman. Published by Notion Press in July 2021, this anthology explores themes across four distinct categories: love, dreams, life, and world.

Overview edit

Author: Syed Parvez Rahaman

Genre: Poetry

Language: English

Publication Date: July 7, 2021

Publisher: Notion Press

Number of Poems: 28

Categories edit

  • Love Poems (8):

   - These heartfelt verses delve into the complexities of love, longing, and human connections. Rahaman's lyrical exploration captures both the ecstasy and agony of romantic emotions.

  • Dream Poems (3)*:

   - Rahaman weaves dreams into his poetic tapestry, exploring the ethereal realm where desires take flight. These poems evoke the magic of imagination and the yearning for the unattainable.

  • Life Poems (11)*:

   - Life's journey unfolds through Rahaman's eloquent lines. From struggles to triumphs, from fleeting moments to enduring memories, these poems reflect the human experience.

  • World Poems (6)*:

   - Rahaman's keen observations extend to the world at large. He contemplates the harsh realities, the beauty, and the interconnectedness of our global existence.

Poems Included In This Book edit

  • Love
  1. The Girl in My Dream: An Imaginative Poem
  2. At Night 10:12: An Imaginative Poem
  3. Naughty Play: Desire That Lovers Seek
  4. My Cecilia: A Portrait of My Desire
  5. Will the world permit me?
  6. Deep Red: Lust Desires
  7. Child of Prophecy: An Unending Poem
  8. Ghost of Emily
  • Dreams
  1. My Dream City
  2. What about my dreams?
  3. Apparition: A Terrible Night
  • Life
  1. Rainy Day
  2. Windows: A Poem For My Dear Laptop
  3. Lonely Street Taught Me To Breathe
  4. Emotions That Run
  5. Care
  6. Recognition of An Inner Writer
  7. Lost Wall
  8. Barkat: The Blessing
  9. Dynamic
  10. Touch of Friendship
  11. Pain
  • World
  1. War Victim
  2. Beauty: An imagination
  3. Teacher or Guide: A Student’s View
  4. Corona Virus
  5. I’m Silent: Can’t Mourn Anymore
  6. World-Life-Dreams

Themes Explored edit

- *Love and Relationships*: Rahaman's love poems celebrate passion, heartache, and the dance of souls.

- *Dreams and Aspirations*: Dream poems invite readers to explore the intangible, where hopes take shape.

- *Life's Tapestry*: These verses touch upon resilience, growth, and the tapestry of existence.

- *Global Perspectives*: World poems offer glimpses into diverse cultures, landscapes, and shared humanity.

Notable Lines edit

"In the quiet of night, dreams whisper secrets, and I listen."

Reception edit

While specific critical reviews are scarce, readers appreciate the emotional depth and universal themes woven into *World Love Life Dreams*. Rahaman's poetic voice resonates with those seeking solace and inspiration.

Legacy edit

As readers immerse themselves in Rahaman's verses, they discover a world where love, life, and dreams intersect—a testament to the enduring power of poetry.


*ISBN-10*: 1639971343

*ISBN-13*: 978-1639971343

For those who seek beauty in words, *World Love Life Dreams* awaits—a poetic journey that transcends boundaries and touches the soul¹²³.

References edit