• Wipelocker
  • Elite
Wipelocker's ransom message, the Android mascot with a Anonymous mask with the text "Obey or be Hacked"
TypeTrojan horse and also known as "Annoyware"
Technical details

Wipelocker ( full name known as Wipelocker.A!tr ) is an Android operating system Trojan horse and File Wiper that surfaced the Internet in late 2014. Anti-virus firms refer to calling the trojan as "Wipelocker", even if the package name of Wipelocker is "com.elite". It's also known to be a "annoyware", a type of malware that annoys the user, in some cases forcing users to pay money, but in the case of Wipelocker it does not ask for anything.

How it works


The package app file is named as Angry Bird Transformers, with the word "Bird" not having the letter S in it. When installed on the victims phone, the first thing it will do is to delete every single file accessible on the device. After that, it will display a "Active administrator" popup.

The "Activate device Administrator? pop-up. Pressing Cancel in this screen will just cause the screen to re-open until Activate is pressed.

When Activate is pressed, Elite will just run at the background, until Facebook (com.facebook.katana), Whatsapp (com.whatsapp), Google Talk (com.google.android.talk) and Android Messaging (com.android.mms, now known as Google Messages) are run, Wipelocker will display a ransom note of the Android mascot with a Anonymous mask, holding a gun with the text "Obey or be Hacked". Pressing the back button will display the app back, but it will immediately be replaced with the ransom note.

The ransom note

Then, Wipelocker will send a SMS message every 5 seconds to every single contact on your device with the following text: "HEY!! (persons name) Elite has hacked you.Obey or be hacked." At the time that would cause generally a lot of charges at your account becuase of the repeatedly SMS messages sent.

Removal Process


Removal Process of this Trojan is simple. Go into your device's settings, go into the "Security" tab, go to "Device administrators" and Uncheck Elite. You can know it's elite when the caption text of the Admin App is "Elite: A parent's care for child.".


Then, just go into your Apps list, find Elite and uninstall it. However, files deleted are likely to be lost forever.