Draft:Visualized Cancer Medicine

Visualized Cancer Medicine is an interdisciplinary and peer-reviewed journal, which publishes the advances in basic, translational, and clinical studies on cancer biology, cancer prevention, cancer screening and diagnosis, cancer treatments, and cancer patient rehabilitation, with an emphasis on videos presenting the natural process, interventional procedure, and spatial alteration of the studied objects. Visualized Cancer Medicine is the official journal of the Society of Tumor Microenvironment, China Anti-Cancer Association. It is published by CSPM, ZDP&M and EDP Sciences.

The Scope

The scope of Visualized Cancer Medicine includes, but is not limited to:

• Novel findings in molecular mechanisms of cancer biology.

• Scientific bases of the relationship between tumor microenvironments and treatment responses.

• Drug delivery impacted by tumor microenvironments and other factors.

• New approaches in investigating the onset of cancer, its promotion, and progression.

• Cancer prevention, screening and early detection.

• New diagnostic approaches.

• Clinical studies on cancer treatment targeting tumor microenvironments.

• Advances in cancer surgery.

• Novel radiotherapy approaches, including proton and heavy ion radiotherapies.

• Artificial intelligence in identifying cancer etiology, clinical diagnosis, and treatment planning.

Open access

This is an open access journal which means that all content is freely available without charge to the user or his/her institution. Users are allowed to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, or link to the full texts of the articles, or use them for any other lawful purpose, without asking prior permission from the publisher or the author. This is in accordance with the BOAI definition of open access.


The journal has been awarded the DOAJ Seal, which signifies that it has demonstrated “best practice in open access publishing” relating to “long term preservation, use of persistent identifiers, discoverability, reuse policies and authors’ rights.”


Visualized Cancer Medicine was launched in 2020 with the aim to provide ‘a peer-reviewed publication platform covering all relevant topics in which videos play a critical role for presenting the results or the procedures’ (see the Editorial signed by the Editors-in-Chief).

Logo description 1. The letter M has many corners and sharp turns. It signifies the twisted medical research path of hardship. 2. The letter V looks like a bird in full flight; symbolizing the soaring heights of research. 3. The three edges around the image form the boundaries of ethical investigation. 4. The field of medicine is like the vast ocean and the protector of life. The color blue represents boundless knowledge, and green, the hope of life. Letter C forms an eye of a researcher. 5. The hovering eye reflects the highly specialized and humanistic attributes of Visualized Cancer Medicine.

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