Unni Rastad

Unni Rastad, born in Norway (1921), was a prominent figure in journalism known for her contributions to Arbeiderbladet and later Dagsavisen. Her career spanned nearly four decades, starting in 1948 and continuing until 1987. Throughout this period, Unni demonstrated a keen interest in diverse subjects, showcasing her versatility as a writer. Her articles covered a wide range of topics, reflecting her intellectual curiosity and commitment to providing insightful perspectives on issues that mattered to her readers.

One of Unni Rastad's defining characteristics was her unwavering advocacy for gender equality. At a time when such ideas were not as widely acknowledged, Unni used her platform to champion the rights and recognition of women. Her writing served as a catalyst for discussions on gender roles, women's rights, and societal expectations, contributing to the ongoing dialogue around these crucial matters.

In addition to her professional accomplishments, Unni Rastad also had a personal life that included a family with notable members. Ingvald Alexander Rastad, Elsa Rastad Bråten, and others were part of her immediate and extended family, forming connections that extended across generations. Lisbeth Marianne Rastad Reium, Magnus Johan Dagestad, Didrik Bjerén, Oliver Melchior Dagestad, Unni Cassandra Dagestad, and Isabell Madonnah Dagestad were her descendants, creating a family tree with diverse branches.

Unni Rastad's legacy extends beyond her years as a journalist. She not only contributed to the field of journalism but also left a lasting impact on the discourse surrounding gender equality in Norway. Her dedication to addressing important societal issues through the written word serves as an inspiration for future generations of journalists and advocates for social change. Unni Rastad's influence continues to resonate, reminding us of the power of words in shaping perspectives and fostering a more equitable society. She passed in 2006 ====

Parents Siblings Children Grandchidren Great-Grandchildren
Ingvald Alexander Rastad Elsa Rastad Bråten Lisbeth Marianne Rastad Reium Magnus Johan Dagestad Didrik Bjerén
Sigrid Hillton Oliver Melchior Dagestad
Unni Cassandra Dagestad
Isabell Madonnah Dagestad

