Draft:Understanding Legal Principles in Ad Interim Injunctions: A Case Study



In the realm of legal proceedings, the concept of injunctions plays a pivotal role in maintaining fairness and justice. An injunction is a judicial order that restrains a party from engaging in certain actions or compels them to take specific actions. Among the various types of injunctions, ad interim injunctions hold particular significance, especially when urgency is paramount. To comprehend the legal intricacies surrounding ad interim injunctions, let's delve into H. Bevis and Co. Kanpur v. Ram Behari and other[1] that sheds light on the underlying legal principles.

Case Background:


The case in question involves a firm embroiled in a dispute with its employees over bonus payments. The government intervened, issuing an award directing the firm to pay a substantial bonus amount to its workers. Dissatisfied with the award, the firm sought legal recourse, initiating a suit challenging the validity of the award. Concurrently, the firm applied for an ad interim injunction to restrain the enforcement of the award until the resolution of the dispute.


1. Appealability of Orders:


The first legal proposition concerns the appealability of orders refusing ad interim injunctions. Rule 3 of Order 39 of the Civil Procedure Code stipulates that notice must be given to the opposite party before granting an injunction, unless delay would defeat the object of the injunction. This proposition clarifies that orders refusing ex parte injunctions, where notice is issued to the opposite party, are not appealable.

2. Granting Ad Interim Injunctions:


The second proposition revolves around the criteria for granting ad interim injunctions. Courts must assess whether the object of granting the injunction would be defeated by delay. In this case, the failure to issue an ad interim injunction jeopardized the firm's ability to contest the award, potentially resulting in irreparable harm.

3. Exercise of Inherent Jurisdiction:


The third proposition addresses the inherent jurisdiction of the court to grant injunctions. Even if specific rules do not expressly permit injunctions, courts can exercise inherent jurisdiction to prevent injustice. This principle underscores the court's authority to uphold fairness and equity in legal proceedings.

4. Prima Facie Case and Bona Fide Applications:


Another critical aspect is the requirement for the applicant to demonstrate a prima facie case for the injunction and the bona fide nature of their application. Failure to establish a prima facie case or demonstrate the genuineness of the application may impede the grant of an ad interim injunction.

5. Consideration of Irreparable Harm:


Courts must consider the potential for irreparable harm when deciding on injunctions. In this case, the substantial amount involved and the difficulty of recovering it in case of success in the suit underscored the risk of irreparable harm, warranting the grant of an ad interim injunction.

6. Government as a Necessary Party:


The involvement of government entities in legal disputes raises questions about their inclusion as parties. However, in cases where injunctions are sought against private parties, the government's status as a party may not be essential at the initial stage of proceedings.

7. Court's Obligation to Apply Relevant Rules:


The case emphasizes the court's obligation to apply procedural rules diligently. Failure to consider the provisions of Order 39, Rule 3, when refusing an ex parte injunction, constitutes a legal irregularity that may warrant intervention through revisional jurisdiction.

8. Impact on Litigation Strategy:


Lastly, the case highlights the strategic implications of injunctions on litigation. Obtaining an ad interim injunction can significantly influence the dynamics of legal proceedings, shaping the strategies adopted by both parties.



The exploration of legal propositions in the context of ad interim injunctions offers valuable insights into the complexities of legal practice. As demonstrated in this case study, a nuanced understanding of legal principles is essential for navigating the intricacies of injunction proceedings and ensuring the equitable dispensation of justice.


  1. ^ "H. Bevis and Co. Kanpur Plaintiffs-Appellants v. Ram Behari and other Defendants-Respondents". indiancourtcases.com. Retrieved 2024-03-07.