A tree defect is any feature, condition, or deformity of a tree that indicates weak structure or instability that could contribute to tree failure.

Common types of tree defects


Codominant stems: two or more stems that grow upward from a single point of origin and compete with one another.[1][2]

  • common with decurrent growth habits
  • occurs in excurrent trees only after the leader is killed and multiple leaders compete for dominance

Included bark: bark is incorporated in the joint between two limbs, creating a weak attachment.[2]

  • occurs in branch unions with a high attachment angle (i.e. v-shaped unions)
  • common in many columnar/fastigiate growing deciduous trees

Dead, diseased, or broken branches: woundwood cannot grow over stubs or dead branches to seal off decay.

  • symptoms/signs of disease:

e.g. oozing through the bark, sunken areas in the bark, and bark with abnormal patterns or colours, stunted new growth, discolouration of the foliage


  • longitudinal: decay, rips/tears
    • Seams – bark edges meet at a crack or wound
    • Ribs – bulges, indicating interior cracks
  • transversely: buckled wood

Cavity and hollows: sunken or open areas wherein a tree has suffered injury followed by decay

  • further indications: fungal fruiting structures, insect or animal nests

Lean: a lean of more than 40% from vertical presents a risk of tree failure

Taper: change in diameter over the length of trunks branches and roots

Epicormic branches (water sprouts in canopy or suckers from root system): often grow in response to major damage or excessive pruning


  • girdling roots compress the trunk, leading to poor trunk taper, and restrict vascular flow
  • kinked roots provide poor structural support; the kink is a site of potential root failure
  • circling roots occurs when roots encounter obstructions/limitations such as a small tree well or being grown too long in a nursery pot; these cannot provide adequate structural support and are limited in accessing nutrients and water
  • Healthy soil texture and depth, drainage, water availability, makes for healthy roots


  1. ^ "FACTTemplate". www.umass.edu. Retrieved 2023-10-23.
  2. ^ a b "Included Bark". almstead.com. Retrieved 2023-10-23.