Draft:The influence of Literature and Art on Percpetions of Romantic Love

  • Comment: This is not an encyclopedic article. Qcne (talk) 10:21, 6 June 2024 (UTC)

The definition of romantic love refers to the feeling of love, passion, and attraction to another person, which is now often followed by a new term, delusion, that is associated with the perception of love that is being imposed by literary and artistic works.

Romantic love, as a favorite and most intimate theme in human history, has been mostly shaped by literature and art throughout the ages. From poetry and ballads to modern films and literature, the perception of romantic love has been evolving and influencing societal norms and personal experiences.

In ancient times, literature and art provided the foundation and base of the term “love,” which can differ from our modern understanding. For example, Greek mythology provides the definition of love as something passionate, a synonym for jealousy, desire, and attraction. In the myth of Eros and Psyche, which is considered to be the best love myth in history, the Greeks describe the desire of two people who are possessed by passion and attraction to each other to put in a lot of effort and overcome everything to be together. That is, they have been providing the idea that love is worth every effort and any obstacles to be overcome.

On the other hand, during the Renaissance, the perception and understanding of the love concept changed, especially with plays of Shakespeare that provided ideas about love’s being a complete tragedy and drama, especially highlighting the societal constraints that impact romantic relationships. His play, Romeo and Juliet, which is considered a classic and the basis of romantic plays nowadays and is popular among teenagers, explored the tragedy of young love and imposed that societal constraints can negatively influence the romantic relationship, even if there is a passionate love between people that can lead to death.

However, nowadays, love is described in a completely different way. If films are filled with bed scenes, promoting relationships without obligations that do not consist of any romantic feelings rather than physical attraction, then books are filled with relationships on a bet, teenage broken hearts, and people who are not ready to go to any actions to be together. The fact is that if earlier in such novels as Pride and Prejudice, the authors described the desire of men to be witht a woman and the social norms that they avoided in order to be together, then in the modern world these plots are simplified to the levels range from haters to lovers or the relationship of a rich man with a poor girl.

The problem of old literature in most cases is the imposition of scenarios that are impossible in life and in the realities of modernity. That is, people who grew up on the classic works of Pushkin, who described a woman waiting for her prince at home, and those who grew up on modern love stories about the mafia, bets about people's feelings and relationships out of boredom, will have different ideas about love.

That is, the two parties will have their own expectations about the future partner, which may not coincide with real life.From literature and romantic works, no matter what time they were written, people will have a completely wrong idea of love, which in fact they must build themselves.The problem in a relationship is that people expect from their lovers what their partners have no idea about, after which those who have already thought of and imagined the actions of their soulmate in their head are doomed to failure and complete disappointment through their own fault. And here the problem will not be that they read different literature, but that they want the script from the book to be translated into real life.

But your life is your own book, in which you are the author, and you will write your own story. Therefore, do not allow book scripts to turn into your life,and make our own romantic love story!