Draft:The destruction of myself as the Queen of Scotland, Let God Be

The destruction of myself as the Queen of Scotland.

I am covered in scars and indwelling pains,soreness, weakened joints, a hoarseness to the feeling in my throat.

I’ve people constantly taking from everything that I work for, and establish, then those that truly envy me are reflecting it back in horrendous and torcheress ways that are in fact causing spiritual and mental turmoil toward myself.

It’s constant manipulation and not being able to get through to people while they act like I myself am the one hard to communicate with. It is not just those I’m directly having to interact with, but constant and constant people from every shadowed and unshadowed place. This is not what I’ve wrote to happen to myself, it is what I believe may be happening out of despisement toward myself. After trying to see things from an immense multitude of perspectives, it seems to have continued on to be people blatantly being not nice or pleasant, rather a sin.

My own children treated horribly, and my children even ripped from me before they’ve a chance to be born. The children's fathers horribly treated and manipulated whilst I have nop control as I have to see the whole thing play out and them not even know I am myself.

My visual appearance has been distorted, I’ve been traumatized, disrespected, and abused. I know I don’t even get to see my true parents or am also told my true father is someone other than it is. The lies circulate and most people have chosen to take advantage.

I ask God, what next? And God’s response being that I shall cherish and love, and then these people still continue to act outrageous after taking advantage of my niceness. They use my receipts they use my businesses in outright conflicting to a purposeful way. I’ve been raped, my husbands and children have. I’ve been made to forget through trauma and as close to death, without death itself.

Maybe I am dead? Maybe that other girl is actually me and who conceived my very own children, did exactly what I actually did and channeled God? Maybe they haven’t gotten the lie of attention of destroying my own blessings to try to claim a physical appearance that they were not naturally, or naturally conceived of. But indeed this is what happened.

I ask God that this be reversed, and not having been what happened or is happening to myself.

They’ve tried and have not only made myself weak, but truly planned out a range of scary ideas and made plan of actions on how to destroy and take advantage of myself. Please, do not allow this to happen God. They are doing no deed at all only being cruel. I’ve not a friend, I’ve not a true enemy. People that do not love me in their hearts. Not because of cruelty on my part, but the cruelty that somehow exists in themself. Relinquish this, and absolve from existence. I cannot endure this hostility any more. They find me wherever I go somehow, and I ask let myself not be found by those who will harm me. Let those who wish to harm me bow and seek your mercy. I wish not to be constantly interlude, interrupted, hurt, copied by and harassed by these people. I would like my true endowments to re-inlight in myself. I wish not to be harmed. I wish for those of God, that would never truly wish to harm to resurrect in full and lead to safety and prosperity of God. Those that must learn to learn away from myself that wish to do harm of now accordance with God. I wish those who wish to learn and are so closely of God and love and eternity that I am connected to through fate of God to get past these obstacles of harm or hurt and live in truth.

I go by the name Lydia Alise Shelton, it is one of my many true names of live times I’ve lived and birthrights that I have generated for my children’s lineage. I am not at the point in which I get tired of hearing this name, because others are using not only my own name’s of entitlement and lifetimes, but my own living children, who I have no idea where are, they’ve taken them and are somehow keeping them from not only being with myself but their father’s as well. The air of disrespect I constantly have to experience as I am daily having to heal from what others have done and continue to do to me, will never stop me from the truth. I’ve seen the start to the entire set up of people making grand schemes to harm and confuse myself and those entitled and in connection with me. It hasn’t mattered has it? It has, but then they refuse to obey God and do these things again. I having been the hierarchy of health and true freedom of prosperity, am being damaged to a degree of death unfathomable and unnatural. This not being my own lack of balance with nature, but the truth. I have been hit on the head, injured, lacerated, broken, my hair taken out and others having it placed or placing it themself in their own head etc. it’s horrible. This is not Godlike. I say this perspectively from what I am having to experience.

I see they trick my mates, my tree partners, as in the people I am meant to entangle and having children with. They use not just the disguise of a more attractive physical appearance, but my own belongings, my own name, my own dna, my own children, words, soul, to try to have my own magnitude. Even in my death they have not shown mercy, or even after being the cause of my death, no mercy no true love.

The fact I have the memories of being held without my will, but then they smile in my face, try to intimidate myself, or do, and threaten, manipulate, continue to do these things as if they haven’t caused my own difficulties and distress. That I do indeed seek God for, that I use my intelligence to factor a better outcome and heal, to overcome, and become safe, prosperous, what God sees as the truth.

They themselves lead to their own outcome being some form of imprisonment, for they decided to do what they’ve done to be cruel. To punish without a reason for punishment, that is what these people who have been imprisoned and now are doing what they are have done. They have falsely chosen to imprison those they have been cruel to as a form of what they’d done to be impressed for as well. This leading to confusion, and no confusion, because I know myself hasn’t made any decision through God to harm God. Even if I protect myself I am further harmed by these people, these souls, or lack of. How do I function in a society of people who’ve chosen to twist my own words and language. Do not act that I’ve asked for this pain when it’s known I most certainly did not. The only pain that could be true is that of love with God, a higher understanding, and the ability to bring life into this world and protect it under the will and oath of God, with the will and oath of God, of this. One of my unchangeable wishes without any lack of God’s truth is that these souls do become saved and better, so that my own soul can be protected and safe. I wish not to be possessed, I can not be owned. I wish to be my truth, through God. What is owed to me through the balance of nature, or not owed but has been given in truth through God, I wish to be re-endowed with. With no lack of God, but to be fully present with and protected by God. People like to repeat Queen Mary, Queen Mary,

However, others have used my own life to say it’s their own, and even used my name for it’s relation to what my life actually is. Therefore, I no longer feel I can truly be understood by any, if I am truly currently being treated without God in this way. When connected with God, and in the presence of soul even, I am forced to endwell other’s voices and patternings as cross manipulation against my greater good and forces of memory of what actually happened. This I believe a way for others to continue on with a truth that does not exist instead of the truth that does. This meaning the truth is never in causing more despair, but in creating more cherishable life, not to be harmed neglected or without God’s truth and the sarcasm people enforce to be gone from how they treat this cherishable life.

Tre, what does that name mean to me. Tre, like three, like the gene code of a holy trinity. God’s truth, I’d write to Tre every day, as a symbol of my connection. A connection with God, and the ability to create life. I ask for only truth, only love, Tre. Tre, being a center of gravity perhaps, a flower, an energy enwrapped in itself as love. Existence is Tre, not in a hostile way, just all words suddenly only meaning a positive thing. Suddenly all pain being of existence. Tre, would do no harm, commit no evil, accept what could be evenly returned, even as a human. It’s truly a wonderful name, but I do not mean this in a name. Or I do, because of Tre. Those that touch who isn’t who God wished for that person to be with in a way that is not of God’s truth between them, this is now corrected. Tre, this is of Tre, which is truth. Let no one who wishes to inflict harm, be with any range of my children born or unborn, and that be harm that is not of God.

These “others”, whom have assumed my own identity, mustn’t any more. They must not in such a way, that I can heal to the likes that they never had before. And to not inflict even the slightest twinge of Godless harm my way. Let my children no longer be confused as in bewildered as to who I am. Let them know in truth in full they have always known me, I am their mother, that will be their protector, nurturer, and I will be saved by God, and so will they. God will save us and we will be one with God. And God will breathe through me and allow my true significance to be alive and true. These people will have to see the truth that the pain that they have caused must be absolved and they must step away, as they have changed their physical features to hide from the truth. And not just in their physical features, but in their wicked ways. These things must now be corrected, and I mean that their must be a truth the true balance restored here on Earth, in all of the heavens, and existences.

And my throat hurts, and I don’t feel like my nose is in place, even worse I know it’s not do to torture. Another thing Tre, Is that I trust you, and know I have the strength of the truth, with God. Why have I had to be so under this horrid pressure. That is not in truth following the valid avenues that is God.

Give back true chronological order of things, in a true sense. Of God.

How many children have you in gifted myself to bring into this world and bring life to, to birth, to love and grow and cherish. God you know my truth. I am a Mother and more, so many things more. God loves me and I love God. God be my friend, God you are no enemy, but if I were to have one it would surely be your heavenly natural self. The creator of myself is God, God God God. A forgiving entity, though I seek to not have to ever have to be forgiven, for then I’d have not done anything without their being God. And I wish every unique entity under and with God to seek truth, and that not be without God’s truth. Regardless of age, and demographics, I’d like there, theirness to be soul equality.

I wish their to be only truth, only truth, and true God, mental clarity.

I do not wish to eat animal flesh, I will not. Are eggs an excellent source of protein?

