Draft:The Scientology Protest Movement

The Scientology Protest Movement

Scientology has been protested many times and in many different ways in the past. This new moment, started in 2023, is on a different level. This all started with a Journalist/Protestor by the name of William Gude. https://youtube.com/QRXHdHCr2u0?si=n27uqT24vYt8nep2 As he was filming an LAPD police interaction he was screamed at by a Scientologist to get away from the Scientology building. As William was doing nothing wrong, standing on a public sidewalk, he became very curious why this person thought they were above the law. He started to film Scientology. He soon realized their ways of busing people in and out of the Scientology buildings, getting people to come inside using a fake promise of movie tickets (Scientology theater and movie, not a movie theater down the street). He was soon joined by many people in the area of Los Angeles California. Jessica Palmasessa, a local Social Media professional https://youtube.com/ptp8sVVdAWU?si=qXnC86V_6YmIZq27 and Confident Chris, a local Social Media professional https://youtube.com/5ivjxxrBXXQ?si=aMts51IpDB2L4290 were regularly by his side or protesting the Scientology building on Hollywood Blvd along with many others. The crowds grew bigger everyday. The Scientology Sea Org members who worked there became instantly recognizable. The best part and most important is that they were unable to get people into the Scientology building and had to close their doors and find other avenues or stop all together. William Gude was successful along with Jessica, Chris and many others. The Protest did not end there, no it continued and is still continuing. It spread all over the world and encouraged people to do the same. The protestors in Los Angeles started protesting Scientology events, a local restaurant and the famous “blue building”, multiple Scientology buildings used for housing, events and processes. This is when the world was introduce to a whole new level of protesting. Ex-Scientologists started to come out and protest. Some of who still have family I. Scientology and unfortunately had to be disconnected due to Scientology’s policy. There were many days and nights of many different people coming together. Protestors came with their signs and used chalk to write sayings on the sidewalks. Unfortunately there were also many unnecessary arrests and court proceedings.

William Gude, Jessica Palmadessa, Confident Chris, Solomon, Lara Anderson, Tory, Defender of Ants Scott, Aja, Audit LA, Mindy Willens




