Draft:The Northrop Podcast (TNP)

The Northrop Podcast

The Northrop Podcast is a student-run podcast channel based in Fort Wayne, Indiana, centered around interviewing individuals affiliated with Northrop High School. Established by a group of high school students, the podcast aims to provide insight into the diverse experiences and perspectives within the Northrop High School community.


The Northrop Podcast was founded in 2024 by a group of students passionate about creating a platform for their peers and faculty to share their stories and experiences. Motivated by a desire to highlight the unique voices within their school community, the founders embarked on a journey to establish a podcast that would serve as a platform for meaningful conversations.

Format & Content

The podcast adopts an interview-style format, with hosts engaging in conversations with a wide range of guests, including students, teachers, staff members, and visitors to Northrop High School. Each episode delves into various topics, including academic pursuits, extracurricular activities, personal anecdotes, and community involvement. Through these discussions, *The Northrop Podcast* seeks to showcase the diverse talents, interests, and perspectives prevalent within the school environment. ### Notable Episodes

Notable Episodes

- *Episode 1: Mr Henry*: TJ Gray interviews Northrop High teacher and previously, but not retired, political official, Michael Henry on the complexities of day-to-day life, including discussions on Mr Henry’s military past, Black History Month, and schooling advice for both teachers and students.

Impact & Reception

Since its inception, The Northrop Podcast has garnered positive feedback from both within and outside the school community. The podcast has served as a platform for fostering connections, promoting dialogue, and celebrating the diverse narratives that make up Northrop High School. Additionally, it has provided students with valuable experience in interviewing, storytelling, and audio production, contributing to their personal and professional development.