Draft:The Alliance For Democracy and Freedom UK

The ADF Party

The Alliance For Democracy and Freedom (ADF) is a Centre Right political party registered in the United Kingdom. The party was founded with a commitment to uphold principles of democracy, individual freedom, and national sovereignty.

Party Officials

Leader: Dr. Teck Khong Nominating Officer: Mr. Paul Goldring Treasurer: Mr. Andrew Green

Party Address

Alliance House 2 Windsor Building 3328 Shaw Road Royton, Oldham Greater Manchester OL1 4WH United Kingdom

Leadership and Background

Dr. Teck Khong, a seasoned General Practitioner with over 30 years of experience, serves as the leader of the ADF Party[1]. Throughout his career, Dr. Khong has been vocal about various healthcare issues, notably expressing opposition to lockdowns during the COVID-19 pandemic and advocating against mandatory vaccines for healthcare workers[2]. He envisions a fully restructured National Health Service (NHS) with fewer management tiers and a focus on efficient healthcare delivery[3].

Party Platform

The ADF Party has garnered support from segments of the truther and freedom movements within the UK. Their platform is characterized by staunch opposition to several key global and national initiatives, including:

Digital Currency and Digital ID: The ADF Party stands firmly against the implementation of digital currency and digital identification systems, viewing them as threats to individual privacy and freedom.[4].

Global Organizations: They oppose membership in the World Economic Forum and the World Health Organization, expressing concerns about the influence of these organizations on national policies and sovereignty[5]. Environmental Policies: The party opposes Net-Zero and ULEZ (Ultra Low Emission Zone) schemes, advocating instead for policies that prioritize individual liberties and economic freedom while addressing environmental concerns[6].

Immigration Policies: The ADF Party advocates for stringent measures to combat illegal immigration, including the use of naval forces to intercept boats carrying illegal immigrants. They propose processing asylum applications at sea and repatriating refused asylum seekers to their country of origin, provided it is deemed safe. The party seeks significant reductions in overall immigration levels, proposing a temporary pause except for individuals with essential skills[7]. Electoral Participation

The ADF Party is set to contest candidates in both the 2024 General Election and the 2024 council elections, aiming to advance their vision and policies through democratic processes[8].

The party's platform reflects its commitment to individual freedoms, national sovereignty, and a restructured healthcare system, resonating with a segment of the UK electorate seeking alternatives to mainstream political ideologies.

Alliance For Democracy and Freedom Party Official Website Electoral Commission Registration for the ADF Party St George's University of London - Dr. Teck Khong Profile Alliance For Democracy and Freedom Platform Details - Facts4EU PubMed - Dr. Teck Khong's COVID-19 Related Work