• Comment: Facebook can't be used for citations. We also don't need a list of tour dates. Missvain (talk) 03:16, 17 November 2023 (UTC)

Formed in 2016 in Kaohsiung, Taiwan, Shallow Levée is an alternative rock band consisting of Yi-Ling (vocal/guitar), Sam (drum), Patrick (bass), and Hong Cha (guitar). Their lyrics switch between Mandarin and Taiwanese, providing a poetic description of daily life in Taiwan. According to the famous music critic Mafang , their music "equip techniques, doesn't seek to please or huff. What's particularly good is the lead singer's ability to control her breath without forcing, building a strong vocal."[1]

Shallow Levée first came to the fore in Taiwan with the single “Excavator” taken from their debut EP Demo.1, which later on was shortlisted for “Best Rock Song” in the 2016 Golden Indie Music Awards. Their lyrics were primarily written by the vocalist Yi-Ling. Inspired by her subtle observation of Taiwanese society, her poetic Mandarin and Taiwanese lyrics have received recognition from critics and fans.[2]

After the release of their second EP "Soup&Ocean" in 2017, they have been holding blockbusting gigs around Taiwan and Hong Kong and were invited to perform in multiple international festivals such as Megaport Festival in Taiwan and Greenplugged Seoul in Korea. The 2019 sold-out tour "Daydreaming" further drew the press' attention. In 2020, their debut full-length album The Village, brought them their second Golden Indie Music Awards nomination for “Best Rock Album” in the same year. The album tour was attended by 3,000 fans around Taiwan. Their sophomore album Endless Playlist released in December 2021, has also received numerous praise. Their second national album tour in 2022 also attracted more than 2,500 fans.[3]


  • March, 2015: Yi-Ling, Hong Cha, Da Guan Formed "Yi-Ling Tsai's Band".[4]
  • October, 2015: "Mutual Experience" National Tour
  • November, 2015: The former drummer Da Guan left the band for military services. The drummer from Elephant Gym temporarily filled his place.
  • February, 2016: Patrick from Grey Youth joined the band as bassist.
  • April, 2016: The band was renamed as Shallow Levée.
  • May, 2016: Collaborated with the film, A Letter to Future Children in holding a mini tour. Released their DIY demo, Demo. 1 .[5]
  • September, 2016: "Mirage" National Tour.[6]
  • September, 2016: “Excavator”got shortlisted for “Best Rock Song” in Golden Indie Music Awards. [7]
  • September, 2017: Released their debut single "Soup&Ocean" co-produced by Easy Shen. Hold an album launch tour.[8]
  • 18th June, 2020: Debut full-length album The Village released.[9]
  • September, 2020: The Village album launch tour was hold at LIVE WAREHOUSE Kaohsiung, Legacy Taichung, and Legacy Taipei. Their first album launch tour attracted over 1,000 fans to attend.[10]
  • October, 2020: The Village was nominated for “Best Rock Album” at Golden Indie Music Awards.[11]
  • 1st December, 2021: Second album Endless Playlist released[12]
  • February-March, 2022: Endless Playlist album launch tour was hold at LIVE WAREHOUSE Kaohsiung, Legacy Taichung, and Zepp New Taipei, attracting over 1,000 fans to attend.[13]



Studio Albums

No. Release Date Title Tracks
1 2020/06/18 The Village
  1. The Village
  2. Yonghe
  3. Albatross
  4. Train
  5. Moonlight
  6. Daydreaming
  7. Wish Upon A Star
  8. Colorless Youth
  9. Dancing on the Ice Lake
  10. Seeker
2 2021/12/1 Endless Playlist
  1. Southbound
  2. Blessing
  3. Jellyfish Float
  4. Let Me Sit Here with You
  5. Get Busy Living
  6. Warm Welcome
  7. After You’re Born
  8. West West Side
  9. See through the Dark
  10. Another Long Afternoon
No. Release Date Title Tracks
1 2017/09/16 Soup&Ocean
  1. The 50s
  2. Kaohsiung
  3. Where Do You Belong
  4. Nature's Perspective


No. Release Date Title Track
1 2016/05/14 Demo. 1
  1. Excavator
  2. Colorless Youth
2 2019/8/23 Daydreaming
  1. Daydreaming
  2. Wish Upon A Star
3 2021/3/16 Taiwan, 365 Days!
  1. Taiwan, 365 Days!
4 2022/05/10 See Through the Dark (Feat. Joh Ung)
  1. See Through the Dark (Feat. Joh Ung)

Major Performances





  • 8/27 WINDIE Music
  • 10/30 Vegabond Festival


  • 3/26 Megaport Festival
  • 8/14 Kaohsiung Ocean Party
  • 10/8 Vegabond Festival
  • 10/29 Takao Rock


  • 4/1 Megaport Festival
  • 6/22 Greenplugged Seoul
  • 10/13 Vegabond Festival
  • Tokyo Shibuya BiKN Festival 2023


  1. ^ 馬世芳 (3 December 2019). "12/3耳朵借我:專訪淺堤".
  2. ^ 王, 亭云 (15 April 2023). "海風捎來家的記憶 淺堤唱出屬於高雄的歌". Retrieved 26 December 2023.
  3. ^ 費, 比安. "氣質獨特,充滿詩意的獨立樂團——淺堤". Sound of Life. KEF. Retrieved 26 December 2023.
  4. ^ Lin, Shock (29 October 2015). "蔡依玲樂隊手工 DEMO 開賣 高雄演出緊急加場". 吹音樂. Retrieved 26 December 2023.
  5. ^ JohnnyWen (2016-05-11). "淺堤釋出新歌〈多崎作〉手工 demo 巡迴首賣" (in Chinese (Taiwan)). 吹音樂. Archived from the original on 2017-10-29. Retrieved 2017-10-28. 新生代樂團淺堤 shallow levée 來自高雄,日前釋出的新歌〈怪手〉用台語描述台灣史上最大規模的「紅毛港遷村案」,目前點閱次數已破萬;昨日上傳了新歌〈多崎作〉,歌名取自日本作家村上春樹作品《沒有色彩的多崎作與他的巡禮之年》中的主角之名。
  6. ^ Shock Lin (2016-08-17). "淺堤八月甫登大團誕生舞台 九月展開北中南巡迴" (in Chinese (Taiwan)). 吹音樂. Archived from the original on 2019-02-11. Retrieved 2017-10-28. 來自高雄,去年甫成軍的新生代組合淺堤 shallow levée 在今年四月份釋出了〈怪手〉的 MV,以樸實而清新的方式,描述高雄紅毛港遷村的土地議題,受到不少人的注目,音樂達人馬瓜也特別撰文推薦。樂團更在上周登上大團誕生的舞台,獲得台下觀眾一致好評。接下來,樂團即將展開「已是蜃景-北中南巡迴」,還沒有看過淺堤現場演出的樂迷,可要把握這次難得的機會。
  7. ^ 吹編輯 (2016-09-14). "2016 第七屆金音獎完整入圍名單)" (in Chinese (Taiwan)). 吹音樂. Archived from the original on 2019-02-16. Retrieved 2017-10-28. 文化部影視及流行音樂產業局將於 105 年 9 月 14 日(星期三)14:00 假華山文創園區紅磚區西二館舉行「第七屆金音創作獎入圍」公佈入圍名單,邀請嘻哈天后 Miss Ko、太陽的孩子「舒米恩」以及榮獲第六屆金音獎最佳現場演出獎潛力新秀「巨大的轟鳴」來共同揭曉今年的入圍名單,引領華語創作音樂能量不間斷。
  8. ^ 台灣搖滾映像誌 (2017-10-08). "淺堤 @《湯與海》2017 台灣巡迴" (in Chinese (Taiwan)). Facebook. Retrieved 2017-10-28. 若在市場辦演出,會是怎麼樣的光景?來自高雄的淺堤就在故鄉的菜市場舉辦發片巡迴!淺堤是一支木吉他入歌的搖滾樂隊,集結著新生代的重量級樂手陣容,由女主唱兼吉他手蔡依玲領軍,成員包括孩子王吉他手周致宏,大象體操鼓手-{涂}-嘉欽,以及來自少年白的貝斯手方博聖。
  9. ^ 阿哼 (19 June 2020). "Easy Shen製作、deca joins主唱獻聲 淺堤發行首張專輯《不完整的村莊》". 吹音樂. Retrieved 26 December 2023. 來自高雄的淺堤繼 2017 年發行 EP《湯與海》後,終在樂迷的引頸企盼下,於今年 6 月 18 日發行首張專輯《不完整的村莊》,呈現樂團成軍五年的淬煉成果。
  10. ^ 吹音樂 (28 September 2020). "淺堤成軍5年發首張專輯!巡迴最終站台北Legacy與黃玠、吳志寧、鄭敬儒同台飆唱". LINE NEWS. Retrieved 26 December 2023. 專輯《不完整的村莊》呈現樂團成員數年往返南北城市的心情與社會觀察,透過十首歌曲,提出對世界的十個提問。這次演唱會除了演唱新專輯的十首歌曲,並精選過去重要作品重新演奏詮釋,全程直播讓無法到場的觀眾能夠線上觀賞,還邀請到黃玠、吳志寧、deca joins 主唱鄭敬儒等豪華陣容擔任嘉賓,而台北場也創造完售的紀錄!
  11. ^ "第11屆金音創作獎入圍者". 金音獎. Retrieved 26 December 2023.
  12. ^ 吹編輯 (6 December 2021). "淺堤推新作《婚禮之途》 打造「婚禮新歌搶聽派對」". 吹音樂. Retrieved 26 December 2023. 曾獲得金音獎最佳搖滾專輯獎提名的獨立樂團淺堤,宣布加入年底激烈唱片大戰,推出第二張專輯《婚禮之途》,透過一場婚禮的啟發,為每個歷經轉大人困惑的歌迷,給予最溫暖的祝福與陪伴。
  13. ^ 洪, 采姍 (18 March 2022). "台北場獨家回味紀錄!暖流樂團淺堤《婚禮之途》巡迴:成軍後最大規模演出,感受來自南國的現場能量綻放". Wonder Magazine. Retrieved 26 December 2023. 淺堤於去(2021)年底發行第二張專輯《婚禮之途》,以團員四人參加朋友婚禮為靈感,譜寫出面對 30 歲到來的各種心境轉化,為青澀落下結語,為而立展開起頭。《婚禮之途》發片專場從 2 月啟動,依序巡迴了高雄、台中,而最終站台北是淺堤成軍以來規模最大的一場演出,現場約莫 1500 人共同參與