Draft:Sexual violence against Palestinians

Child sexual abuse allegation


On the 4th of December 2023 in an interview with CNN, Josh Paul who is the director of congressional and public affairs for the Bureau of Political-Military Affairs alleged that the IDF covered up a report of a case involving the alleged rape of a Palestinian child that occurred in an Isreali prison. [1]

In the interview Josh Paul said the following:

“I was part of the human rights vetting process for arms going to Israel, and a charity called Defense for Children International - Palestine drew our attention at the State Department to the sexual assault, actually the rape, of a 13-year-old boy that occurred in an Israeli prison in the Moskobiyyeh.”

The Moskobiyyeh, also known as the Russian Compound, is an interrogation and torture facility in Jerusalem.

“We examined these allegations, we believe they were credible, we put them to Israel, to the government of Israel. And you know what happened the next day? The IDF [Israel’s military] went into the DCIP offices and removed all their computers and declared them a terrorist entity.”

Details of the alleged incident


According to documentation collected by Defense for Children International the child was detained by Israeli paramilitary border police forces from his home around 5 a.m. on January 13, 2021, in the occupied East Jerusalem neighborhood of Issawiya. [2]

Israeli forces transferred him to Al-Mascobiyya interrogation and detention center in West Jerusalem where he was bound and blindfolded and detained in an interrogation room. An individual accused him of throwing stones and Molotov cocktails and then allegedly subjected the boy to physical and sexual violence as well as torture.

The child alleged that “Every two to three minutes, someone would come by and slap, push, punch, or kick me,” the boy told DCIP. “I kept silent and never said anything. I did not know what was going on, but it was painful and tiring.”

He was eventually brought into an interrogation room. “A man came to the room and told me his name was Captain Kamel,” the boy told DCIP.

“He kicked me and punched me while shouting and saying I should tell him what I did,” the boy recalled. He was accused of throwing stones and Molotov cocktails.

“Whenever I told him I did not do anything, he would beat me harder.

He threatened to shock me with electricity, but I told him I did not do anything.”

The boy said that the same individual “knocked him to the floor while blindfolded and raped him with an object,” according to DCIP.

The individual threatened that the sexual violence would continue unless he confessed to the allegations against him.

The boy said the individual then pressed him against the wall and inflicted intense pain on his genitals.

“There are no words to describe that moment,” the child told DCIP.

Captain Kamel also threatened that the physical and sexual violence would continue if the boy told his lawyer what had occurred.

Around 15 minutes after the incident the boy was allowed to see his lawyer for five minutes.

He was again interrogated in the hours and days that followed, subject to verbal abuse and forced to sign documents in Hebrew that he did not understand.



[1]: https://edition.cnn.com/videos/tv/2023/12/04/amanpour-state-epartment-official-resignation-josh-paul.cnn

[2]: https://www.dci-palestine.org/israeli_interrogator_sexually_assaults_palestinian_child_detainee