The History of SCSIT: Founders, Construction, and the Blueprint of an Educational Pioneer"



The Salazar Construction Engineering Review, known as SALCON, with the primary goal of enhancing the knowledge and skills of engineering professionals. Initially, SALCON was a modest venture, aimed at addressing the needs of engineers seeking to advance their expertise and stay current with industry standards. Despite its humble beginnings, the center quickly distinguished itself through its commitment to excellence and thorough review processes.

From its inception, SALCON demonstrated a clear dedication to fostering engineering competence. Its founders recognized the critical need for a reliable and effective platform that could support engineers in their professional development. This focus on quality and precision laid the groundwork for SALCON’s rapid ascent within the field.

As years passed, SALCON’s reputation grew significantly. What began as a small-scale review center soon evolved into a prestigious institution renowned for its outstanding contributions to engineering education. The center’s rigorous review methodologies and dedication to maintaining high standards of competence established it as a leading authority in the field. SALCON became synonymous with reliability and excellence, embodying a mark of competence that professionals across the industry could trust.


                        School ( SCSIT )

1983. The nation was gripped in the turmoil of a national crisis. I triggered off severe economic difficulties of rising prices of prime com. modities, the devaluation of the peso, the hike of tuition fees and most deplorable of all the closure of some institutions of learning. The con cerned family of Engr. Doroteo Salazar who believed in education as the solution to economic and social ills firmly decided to open another quality school which would somehow meet the exigencies of the time.

Under the existing conditions the Salon Institute of Technology as it was then called, came into being. It opened the first and second year classes, with 211 students taking the technical curriculum in the secondary department. Indeed, with meager resources at hand, one with a faint heart and with lesser resolve would have just given up the under-taking, but the thought of helping the young, especially the deserving, challenged this family to a decision. After some suggestions

Engr.Doroteo Salazar and family fortunately agreed that the name SAL-CON Institute of Technology be changed to SALAZAR INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY.

The academic performance of the SIT students from 1984-1985 drew the attention of the critical public. This led to its acceptance, faith and confidence of the discerning majority, and subsequently to its phenomenal growth

School year 1986-1987 saw the first crop of graduates SIT could call her very own. She nurtured and shaped them from their greenhorn years, until they were ready to begin with their college work.

Throughout all these years SIT has been holding her banner high in different fields and scholastic endeavors. The school has become the acronym of SUCCESS.

Students leave the portals knowing that SIT has played a very important role in the unfolding of their future; teachers are filled with the sense of achievement and fulfillment for jobs well done; but nothing can beat the feeling and fulfilled commitment of Engr.Doroteo M.Salazar, Founder, President and Owner of SIT, who has reached for a distant star and got it, and made a dream and magnificent obsession come true.


The emblem of the Salazar Institute of Technology (SIT) is designed with deep symbolism to reflect its core values and mission. The SEAL, shaped like a GEAR, represents technology and signifies SIT's commitment to staying at the forefront of technological advancements in our technology-conscious world. Within this seal, the INNER CIRCLE embodies the perpetual process of education, highlighting the institution's dedication to continuously educating and empowering individuals.

Central to this circle is a prominent "S," which stands for SERVICE—a testament to the Founder’s sincere commitment to bettering humanity through education. Inside the "S," a tiny SQUARE-SHAPED symbol represents the slide-rule, an essential tool for technologists, emphasizing SIT's focus on practical, hands-on learning in technology.

The TRIPOD-LIKE ROOF above the "S" symbolizes the multifaceted approach to educational development. It reflects SIT’s emphasis on construction-oriented training and the values of hard work and dignity. The institution’s offerings, including Education, Engineering, Basic Technology, and Engineering Review, are represented by the sturdy CASTLE-SHAPED COLUMNS. These columns signify a strong foundation that has endured numerous challenges over the years.

At the heart of the emblem is the LAMP, which represents education as the guiding light of our lives. Its glow symbolizes inspiration and the dissemination of knowledge to those seeking it. The BLUE SYMBOLS against a WHITE BACKGROUND illustrate loyalty and purity, reinforcing SIT’s enduring values and dedication to providing quality education.


  Villarin, B. (2023). Padayon.

     Student’s Handbook. (1990-91).




Villarin, B. (2023). Padayon.

              Student’s Handbook. (1990-91).