Draft:Political Landscape Of Gilgit

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In the given text below I would like to describe the Taimuria Mughal dynasty in different periods along with the map of the area they occupied at different times respectively. There were no outsider rulers who ruled Gilgit, Ghizer, and Chitral except the mentioned dynasties in the below description.

People of the northern area (Gilgit-Baltistan) seek to know the ancient political situation in the region, Situation roundabout sub division Gilgit, district Ghizer, and Chitral.

This paper delves into the intricate political landscape and dynastic successions in the northern regions, particularly Gilgit-Baltistan and Chitral, over several centuries. Drawing from historical narratives and local accounts, it examines the rise and fall of various dynasties, the interplay of power dynamics, and the socio-political factors that shaped the region's governance. The analysis sheds light on the Taimuria Mughal dynasty's influence, indigenous rulers' struggles for dominance, and external interventions that impacted the region's political trajectory.

As the saying goes regarding ending the regime of Raja Shreebadad (human eater king). After that, a local Terakhan dynasty covered seven divisions’ areas (old name masqah) without exact date and time.

 Then Ghurithum came into power and his resident capital was Gilgit Sharot was west and Gohar Abad (Gur) and Daril were in the southeast of Gilgit. While a subordinate appointee in Yasin.

Katoor and Khushwaqt dynasty came to power in Chitral in 1590. The upper part of Chitral came under the control of Khushwaqt while Muhtarm Shah controlled the lower part.

Raja Khushwaqt extended his domain to Yasin(warsh grom) responding to a request for assistance from a man from the Tarakhan dynasty  of Gilgit and further occupied up to Punial. The muhtarm shah of Chitral and Khushwaqt of Warshgrom is claimed as the offshoot of the Taimur Mughal dynasty in central Asia.

But within no time the previous (rais dynasty) regained the Chitral with the support of the Badkhshan force. Khushwaqt and Muhtram Shah have been killed in the conflict between the two countries. Son of muhtaram shah mr. Sangeen Ali Saani set up a negation group and went to India at the court of Mughal king Shahjahan and requested for help to restore his dynasty in Chitral. Negation failed by the court of the king but offered to reset himself in India. Sangeen Ali becomes hopeless yet tries to convince them based on family relations. Then Shahjhan passed away within ten years and Aurangzeb Alamgir throned India. Sangeen Ali took the chance and put forward his request the king recommended his demand and gave a lot of money in cash which he loaded on a hundred camels and mules. Sangeen Ali established a squat of the army in swat and attacked the master city of Chitral and then suddenly assaulted Chitral defeating the Rais dynasty forces.

He then restored his government in Chitral and collected his relatives and allowed them to command in their respective districts. Of this, Mr. ShahAlam son of Khushwaqt occupied Yarkhund, mastuj area. Mr. ShahAlam bestowed shvair( Ghizer) and mulkhu and handed them over to Framos Khan and Khushahmed respectively. After the assassination of Mehtr Sangeen Ali in Chitral Ghulam Muhammad brother of Muhtarm Shah adopted the throne of Chitral. Soon Mr. ShahAlam killed Ghulam Muhammad and took over the throne of Chitral. He was angry with Ghulam Muhammad because he married his divorced mother.

In upper Chitral, Mr. Khushwaqt Saani son of (Azmatuallah) occupied mastuj and built relations with the Khushwaqt family. After the death of Khushwaqt Saani Mr. Framos Khan came from Ghizer and occupied the upper Chitral.

Mr. ShahAlam was killed by a conspiracy of Shah Afzal and Shah Fazal. Which allowed the throne to Muhammad Shafi son of the late Sangeen Ali. He continued successfully controlling Chitral for 20 years. When he died Framos Khan came to Chitral from Mastuj to pay attribution to the departed soul after some stay; he declared his kingship in Chitral. He was a war-lord and brave man.

He attacked Badakhshan and also continued war with Bashgal and defeated both countries to expand boundaries till Chogunsrai at Kunard Valley of Afghanistan.

Unfortunately, he was also assassinated by Shah Afzal and ShahFazal. Chitral then came under Shah Afzal while Mr. Khaier-ullah controlled the Mastuj after his paternal brother Khushwaqt Saani’s death. He continued his domination in Yaseen and Koh e Ghizer by playing the religious card. He also builds relations with Raja Gorithom in Gilgit. His influence extended to the Bashakar area of Dir Kohistan.

He was passionate and wished to empower Chitral. When ShahAfazal died his brother ShahFazal succeeded his throne as his children were below the age but they (the children of shahAfzal) were not happy with this decision of his uncle ShahFazal, they wished to keep the throne to themselves. His uncle thought otherwise and did not intend to give the throne to his nephews. Mr. ShahFazal became close to Mehtar Khairullah and empowered himself. He betrothed his daughter to the son of Mehtar Khairullah. Then jointly attack Darosh and Ayun against the sons of Shahafzal. And expelled them from the boundary of Chitral. ShahFazal accepted the lordship of Khaiullah in Chitral.

Muhtaram Shah Saani and his brother continue their campaign for kingship in Chitral. On the other side, many mujahedeen from Mardan, Akhon Panju baba, and a group of soldiers from Nawab of Dir joined the force of Muhtaram Shah Saani and his brothers. At the time of the attack, khairullah along with his partner Khan Bhadur of Chitral rushed against to Bashgali people for their denial to pay revenue to Chitral. Khairullah attacked Bashgal without planning during the winter season. Whereas snowfall happened to occur with severe cold. As the weather conditions continued getting worse, Khairullah postponed his program and returned to Chitral. At that moment Khairullah's army descended to plan an area where the opponents were ready to attack them. Suddenly a group of mujahedeen captured Khairullah and Muhtarm Shah sliced him in pieces.

While his associate partner Mr. Khan Bhaddur seek an apology from Muhtarm shah. Therefore Muhtaram Shah forgave him. But the son of Khairullah escaped towards the mountains. Muhtarm Shah quickly occupied the whole Chitral and handed over Mastuj to his father-in-law Mr. Baashah of the Khushwaqt family. Mr. Baashah appointed Kuwat Khan in Yasin and Amir-ul-mulk in punial. After the killing of Mr. Shahwood Shah of Punial in 1725. Amirulmulk Burush continued his campaign to extend his boundary towards Ghizer and Bargur village towards Gilgit.

Mehtar baashah and other Khushwaqtia princes demand their legacy boundary between Mastuj and Chitral. In this connection, a battle happened in Buni but the quarrel ended without any conclusion.

The Mehtar Baashah died after one and a half years. Mulk Amman son of Baashah thrones in Mastuj of Khushwaqtia dynasty. Already appointed Quwat Khan in Yasin and Sulaiman was responsible for the Ghizer area. The fugitive sons of late king khirullah came to Punial Fort and lived with Mehtar Amir-ul-mulk (burush).

Mr. Mulk Aman of Mastuj felt suspicion of the gathering in Punial, meanwhile, Durab Shah and Feroz Shah sons of Khairullah made hostage Burash and his son Khan Bahadur in Gahkuch and Roshan Fort. Mulk Aman and brother-in-law Mr. Muhtaram-shah of Chitral ready to attack Punial at the request of Amir-ul-Mulk of Punial. In light of the prevailing political situation developed in the Ghizer area. Burush and the relevant party join one another and combat to Mastuj forces. Later on, Feroz Shah again takes Burush and his sons hostage in Gahkuch and Dahimale fort in Ghizer district.

Mulk Aman again with the support of the Chitrali forces assaulted Punial and Ghizer. Feroze Shah the son of Khairullah murdered with his four brothers in the battle. The Chitrali army continued their movement towards Gilgit, where the king of Gilgit welcomed them with high protocol. They returned to Chitral leaving behind Amir-ul-Mulk Burush in Punial. Since then the successor of the Burush dynasty kept them stuck in the Punial state until the FCR (Frontier Crime Regulation) in Gilgit. No doubt they were deprived for some period as occupied by a force of his rival cousins.

After some time the Mehtar Burush was killed by the king of the Thrakhan dynasty headed by Auzur Khan of Nagar state who brought Gilgit under his control. He cut the head of the dead body of Raja Burush and took him to Gilgit as a token.

Raja Azad Khan son of King Burush seek help from Quwat Khan of Yasin. The Yasin force attacked Punial immediately resulting in defeating themselves, Raja Quwat Khan along with his three brothers and son Ibrahim got killed in the battle.

Mehtar Sulaiman Shah of Mastuj in full rage invaded Punial and defeated Gilgiti forces. He advanced to Gilgit, killing family members of the Tarakhani kingdom and distracting the Gilgit fort. Mehtar Sulaiman Shah issued a warning to Nagir king and Astore ruler. He also sends a message to the Rondu administration for submission to the Sulaiman majority. He then established a base camp in Chakarkot of Sai -Valley, sending messages to Chilas and           Sind Kohistan. He collected sufficient numbers of mujahedeen who advanced to Balakot to join Shah Ahmed Shaheed's force which was engaged with the Kashmiri force, unfortunately, he (Sulaiman Shah) received a message about an attack on his dominancy Thori-Koh by Muhtarm Shah. Mr. Sulaiman Shah returned to Chitral soon in a hurry adopting the shortest way through the path of the high peaks of the mountain, while he was in Astore province.

Sulaiman Shah suddenly attacked the army fort in Thori-koh and defeated the Chitral army; princes of Chitral killed and wounded the other, who later on died. After controlling the upper Chitral they planned to advance towards the lower Chitral but Mr. Muhtaram Shah played political tactics and submitted himself before Sulaiman Shah in Thori-koh. So the huge king of Chitral and Gilgit welcomed him with high protocol and let him live in Chitral as a second commander of Sulaiman Shah.  

He also reminded Raja Azad Khan and kept him in Tor- koh secretly watch over Mehtar Muhtarm Shah in Chitral. Sulaiman Shah himself left for Gilgit he intended to reach Balakot for jehad where Ahmad Shaheed was busy in the war against Maha Rajas of Kashmir. But Raja Azad Khan was involved in a conspiracy with Muhtarm Shah of Chitral. He came to Gilgit to make a plan against Sulaiman Shah in Sherqillah fort, and within two days they made Sulaiman Shah a Prisoner. Eventually Sulaiman Shah was killed by Raja Azad Khan who sent his body to Yasin where Raja Gohar Aman was furious to take revenge from Azad Khan for his uncle's murder. But Azad Khan readily attacked Yasin and made Gohar Aman escape towards Badakhshan.

Gohar Aman after sometimes again attacked Gilgit but was defeated under the hands of Azad Khan and ran towards Bashkar in Dir Kohistan. The third time Gohar Aman planned with Tahir Shah of Nagir binding relation with marrying his daughter. Tahir Shah along with his four thousand army advanced towards Gilgit. Azad Khan was not ready for a battle so they negotiated to do a one-on-one fight among themselves (Azad Khan and Tahir Shah).

        After a tiresome fight, Mr. Tahir Shah killed Azad Khan with his sword. Tahir Shah then took over the whole Gilgit dynasty, but he did not advance towards Punial where Raja Najam Khan son of Khan Bahadur declared his kingship. Gohar Aman from Yasin assaulted Punial but Raja Najam Khan retreated him back to Yasin in two turns. Five years later Mr. Tahir Shah died and his younger son Sikander took the throne of Gilgit with the recommendation of Queen Mrs Zaeb-un-nisa of the Tarakhan dynasty.

        Later on, Raja Sikander Khan happened to go to Nagir where internecine was expected among the princes. He hands over his charge to his son Mr. Muhammad Khan in Gilgit. Gohar Aman became close to Muhammad Khan in Gilgit by betrothing his daughter to him. He sends them to spend their honeymoon in Bagrot village. Gohar Aman himself came to Gilgit and occupied the throne of Gilgit. He further planned to kill Muhammad Khan in Bagrot village. In the prevailing situation, Muhammad Khan ran away to Nagir and then towards Kashmir where he died suffering from smallpox.

        Karim Khan the prince of Gilgit was living in Gur (Gohar Abad) rushed to Sirinagar Kashmir to help recover the Tara Khan dynasty in Gilgit. Maharaja sent armed forces headed by Nathushah (Niat shah). Gohar Aman ran back to Yasin seeing the huge Dograh armed regiments.

       Nathu Shah appointed Raja Karim Khan Successor of the Tara Khan dynasty and also established a choke at the boundary of Sharot village.Nathu Shah himself went back to Kashmir before leaving Gilgit he handed over the administration to (col) Metharadaas in Sharot Fort. But very soon Gohar Aman attacked Sharot Fort with the help of local people and killed all forty Dogra soldiers. Commander Methraadaas escaped to Gilgit and then towards Kashmir.

       Gohar Aman’s army along with the local people advanced towards Gilgit and defeated the rest of the Dogra armed forces in Gilgit.The emperor Raja Karim Khan again ran away to Kashmir to seek help and Nathu Shah with his forces attacked Gilgit again.

       Gohar Aman flew back to Yasin and Karim Khan again got his throne back. At that time Nathu Shah wished to conquer Hunza through a narrow mountain path near Mayun village but the people attacked them by throwing avalanches and debruises from the peaks of high mountains, which resulted in the death of all the dogras including Nathu Shah and Raja Karim Khan. The remaining Dogra forces which were in Gilgit killed by Gohar Aman's army.

        The Dogra regiment of Bunji cant ran over to Gilgit under the command of General Boop Sing. The whole army meets their end in the same manner as done near Mayon village by the Hunzai people. Since then the road has been famous as Boop Sing Padi. Then Gohar Aman became the king of Gilgit with no men of Dogra left in Gilgit.

         On the other hand, the fugitive Raja Issah Bahadur of Punial and Azmat Shah son of Sulaiman Shah (late) a warrior king of Gilgit and Chitral have been already approached by the Kashmir government. The Maha Raja of Kashmir recommended attacking Gilgit with the supervision of Raja Issah Bahadur and Azmat Shah under the command of Zurawar and Bajedas Singh. The force was composed of a twenty-thousand army, four heavy guns, and other war supplies.

          Meanwhile, Mehtar Gohar Aman suffered from serious pain in his kidney which led to his death. His elder son Mr. Malik Aman appointed as king of the Khushwaqtia dynasty.

         Dogra army entered Gilgit by destroying the Gilgit Fort where the forces of Gohar Aman headed by Wazir Abdul Wahab. Kashmiri forces advanced to Punial under the supervision of Raja Issah Bahadur defeating the Yasini forces.

         Punial then handed over to Raja Issah Bahadur who drew himself for his cousin Shujat Khan son of the late Raja Azad Khan of Punial. Issah Bahadur himself look for the towering king of the northern areas (Gilgit).

         Mulk Aman son of Gohar Aman was not ready to accept defeat and tried to invade Gilgit again and again. So Issa Bahadur escalated to the Yasin Muduri fort and defeated the Yasin people by demolishing the Muduri fort. Dogra army started to kill Yasini people against the revenge done to the Dogra army and the Boop Sing incident had happened they also captured almost 80 Yasini women and took them as prisoners.

       On the way to Gilgit, a woman happened to done a good deed by killing a snake who attacked the army gathering near Gulmuiti village. The commander praised the women and as a reward, he released 60 women. Only 19 women who were betrothed with the Muslim soldiers were taken to Kashmir.

         Later on, a negotiation headed by Wazeer Ruzee Khan of Astor with Kashmiri Darbar helped release of rest of the women except one, the mother of late Asgar Khan former chief of Pakistan Air Force.

          Azmat Shah son of late Sulaiman Shah appointed as Raja in Yasin. He cannot sustain himself and reverse back to Gilgit due to the exerted pressure of Mehtar Chitral. The government bestowed him in the basin area near Gilgit town.

            Mirwali son of Gohar Aman occupy Yasin till 1870. He was then replaced by Pehlwan Bahadur on the order of Mehtar Chitral.

             In 1882 a negotiation party was formed by the Mehtar of Chitral headed by Pahalwan Bahadur. They met in Thamushki village with the panel of the Dogra government of Gilgit headed by Raja Akbar Khan of Punial and agreed not to invade one another's dominance. But after one year Pahalwan Bahadur assaulted Punial breaking the agreement.

             Mehtar Chitral became furious by this incident and removed Pehlwan Bahadur from Yasin appointing his son Mr. Sardar-ul-mulk in Yasin as a substitute.

             Pahalwan Bahadur with his brother Mulki Aman comes to Yasin to negotiate with Sardar ul Mulk and decides to seek apologies from Mehtar Chitral.

Pahalwan Bahadur on his way to Chitral heard a suspicious message from the mehtar of Chitral so turned back toward Yagistan to his brother Mulk Aman in Tangier.

             Mukadass Aman son of Mulk Aman fired his uncle and murdered him.

Mulk Aman engaged with the widow of Pehlwan Bahadur and set himself in Chitral. After the death of Mehtar Aman-ul-Mulk of Chitral quarrels started among the successors. Sardar-ul-Mulk assaulted Chitral with the help of the English government in Gilgit to occupy the throne of Chitral. But after some time he has been killed by his brother. English officers who were present in Chitral along with his allies; Punial levies and the Dogra regiments favored the youngest son of the deceased king and became fortified against Sher Afzal brother of Aman-ul-Mulk.

         The battle was extended up to a month. English government moved their heavy army in support of hostage people in Chitral from the Gilgit side and also through the Mardan side. At last princes of Chitral were arrested and sent to the far-flung area of Kolkata India.

          Mehtar Mohammad Wali son of Mirwali had been appointed in Yasin and soon removed by Abdul Rehman son of Pehlwan Bahadur by the order of Mehtar Chitral.

          But soon the brothers of Mehtar Yasin disagreed about the nomination of the successor mehtar. So, the English government made house arrest all the brothers in Astor and Dayin Fort in 1906.

          Yasin was then looked after by Gupis Raja Murad Khan Maqpoon and Lord Kishen from Mastuj in Chitral. Sifat Bahadur the Raja of Punial transfer to Yasin in 1913. Muhammad Anwar Khan son of prisoner Raja Muhammad Akbar Khan thrones In Punial. Raja Abdur Rehman successor of the Yasin dynasty reappointed in Yasin. They removed Raja Sifat Bahadur. He disagreed with the order of the government and left for Darail to establish a state in combination with the Tangiri people where a first cousin of deceased Mehtar Pakhtoon wali Raja Muhiudeen (check Methar) was nominated by the government.

          Raja Sifat Bahadur in Darail did not tolerate his presence in tangir so he killed check- Methar very soon. But within a short period, Sifat Bahadur was also assassinated by Sheatii a local person from Tangir.

The vacancy was then filled by Raja Mirbaz Khan who was transferred from Ishkomen and Hussain Ali Khan Maqpoon was appointed in Ishkomen soon after Sultan Murad Khan son of Mehtar Mujagasti and Hussain Ali Khan Maqpoon reciprocally changed between Gupis and Ishkomen in 1937. After the death of Raja Sultan Murad Khan of Ishkomen in 1950 his younger brother Sultan Ghazi appointed against his elder brother. Both Rajas served till 1972 then abolished by the FER system.

           Mehboob Ali Khan Mugllot appointed against the Mirbaz Khan in Yasin retired from his services in 1944. Mehboob Ali Khan serve Yasin till 1966. In the remaining period, Yasin was controlled directly by the Gilgit administration till 1972. The legitimate successor of the Khushwaqtia dynasty was kept away from the Yasin area and appointed Raja Gulam Dastagir and Raja Muhammad Azam in chilas and Tangir till 1966.

           Jan Alam son of Muhammad Anwar Khan adopted the throne of the Punial state after the death of his father Raja Anwar Khan in 1955. Muhammad Anwar Khan was pronounced personality being best polo player during the time of government from 1914 to 1955. Raja Jan Alam son of Anwar Khan serve as governor till 1972.

               Before this Mehtar Muhammad Wali son of late Mirwali was throned in 1893. He was then removed by Abdur Rehman son of Pehlwan Bahadur recommended by Sardar-ul-Mulk new Mehtar of Chitral but the people in Ghizer were in favor of Mehtar Muhammad Wali so they denied the supremacy of Yasin court, creating trouble for the English government in Gilgit. A levy post was established in Gupis cant to prevent any quarrel expected between the two countries under the control of Raja Murad Khan Maqpoon, and the case was filed in the court of Maharaja of Kashmir and viceroy in Kolkata India.

The case lasted for two years, during this time Raja Murad Khan Maqpoon developed good relations with the Yasin and Chitral dynasties which provided peace in the area. Ghizer (Shavair) separated from Yasin and Murad Khan Maqpoon sattled there as a permanent Raja in Gupis. Mirbaz Khan (Burusho) and Raja Sifat Bahadur served in Yasin till 1921 until Abdur Rehman's throne who was the legitimate Raja of Yasin dynasty. He died in 1933 and Mehboob Ali Maglot adjusted in Yasin after the retirement of Mirbaz Khan, Mujageshti appointed in Gupis in 1933. Hussain Ali Khan Maqpoon was appointed in Ishkomen shifting Mirbaz Khan to Yasin.

              When Issa Bahadur throned for the first time in Punial, the boundaries of Punial extended to the Vakhan corridor in 1862 but later on Mr. Ali Mardan Khan Vikhik settled in Ishkomen who was a fugitive of the Afghan government.

Isaa Bahadur built relation with his opponent Afiat Khan son of (late) Mashkuli Khan betrothed his daughter to him and set him in Gahkuch allowing him to collect revenue from the village Gahkuch. Issa Bahadur then shifted to Sherqillah a fortified palace In Punial. Since then his successors Muhammad Akbar Khan, Muhammad Anwar Khan, and Jan Alam systematically controlled the Punial state, which was fifted by Maharaja of Kashmir, when federal criminal regulation came to an end in 1972.

          The legacy Raja of Punial and other temporarily appointed Rajas e. g Gupis, Yasin, and Ishkomen were paid emoluments but awaiting the legitimate family members of Punial for future decisions. Gilgit and former ruler Mr. Issa Bahadur who occupied Punial in 1860, but the MahaRaja forced themselves to settle in Gilgit. Later on, the English government took over Gilgit on lease for sixty years in 1935 to look after the international border.

            The people of Gilgit set them free from the youk of Maharaja Kashmir and ceded to Pakistan in November 1947. Since then Gilgit-Baltistan pivoted to the Kashmir problem as it was previously part of Maharaja of Kashmir. The government of Pakistan took temporary administration with the rest of Azad Kashmir and so on.

              The state of Nagir was dominated by Mughal warriors during the time of the Sheri Bedat dynasty in Gilgit. The highest medal for bravery known as (Tara Khan) is usually awarded to a person, who is capable of super deeds in a war.

               One of the higher medal holders Prince Azzar infiltrated Gilgit, he killed the king of Gilgit by playing simple social tactics with the help of local people. People of Gilgit betrothed the princess to Azzar. The princess gave birth to a child and soon Azzar died. The son was named Gurithum. He established the Tara Khan dynasty in Gilgit. Likewise, they grow relations with the Mogllote dynasty of Nagir state, as Tara Khan offshoot of the Mughal dynasty.

              The creation of Hunza as a separate state is due to the rival prince of Nagir who established the fugitive princes themself in Hunza. The area opposite Nagir was a meadow for cattle to the people of Nagir in ancient times. Later on Hunza state opted separate dynasty for themselves.

              Warlords from central-East Asia established domination in Skardu, and Baltistan adopting various names of dynasties like Maqpoon in Skardu, Amachas in Shigar, and Yabgou in Khapulo valley. The population of Baltistan mostly belongs to the Tibetan human race. Their language and culture also tended towards Tibetians.

               As long as Indus Kohistan is concerned, from Sai Valley through Chilas up to Bisham no strong ruler established any kind of dynasty but a democratic kind of administration prevailed all over the period.

             KKH (Karakorum Highway) advanced to CPEC (China-Pakistan Economic Corridor) and rose to good faith for the people of the area, which accounted for greater change for the solution of the Kashmir problem.

