Draft:Pakistan Markazi Muslim League

Pakistan Markazi Muslim League (PMML)
FounderKhalid Masood Sindhu, Advocate of Supreme Court in Pakistan

The Pakistan Markazi Muslim League (PMML) is a political organization in Pakistan founded in 2023 by Khalid Masood Sindhu, an Advocate of the Supreme Court in Pakistan. The party is headquartered in Lahore.



The Pakistan Markazi Muslim League (PMML) emerged in 2023 as a political force deeply rooted in the principles of justice, equality, and Islamic values. Founded by Khalid Masood Sindhu, an esteemed Advocate of the Supreme Court in Pakistan, the party envisions a reformed and prosperous Pakistan in line with the teachings of the state of Madinah. The PMML believes that the foundations of the country should be strengthened by embracing the spirit of unity, eradicating divisive elements, and fostering an environment of collective responsibility. As the torchbearer of reform, PMML is committed to addressing the challenges facing Pakistan and guiding the nation towards a brighter future.



Advocate Supreme Court Khalid Masood Sindhu initiated the formation of PMML, aiming to align the country's development with the principles of justice and equality mentioned in the manifesto.



The activities of the Pakistan Markazi Muslim League are intricately woven into its comprehensive manifesto, a visionary document that outlines the party's goals and strategies for societal improvement. One of the core tenets is the establishment of an Islamic welfare society, emphasizing justice, rights, and obligations for all. PMML envisions a society free from regional, linguistic, and sectarian prejudices, where every community and language is respected, prosperous, and granted equal opportunities. The party advocates for the implementation of a municipal system to empower local representatives and create a system of brotherhood mirroring the prophetic society of Medina. By promoting goodness and eliminating evil, PMML aims to guide Pakistan towards a path of moral and ethical progress.

The party recognizes the historical challenges Pakistan has faced, including regional divisions, economic struggles, and societal issues. In response, PMML commits to providing effective reformative and ethical education, reinforcing the ideological foundation of the country. With a focus on creating a unified national identity, the party aims to cultivate a mature understanding that transcends prejudices, unifying the Muslim population of the subcontinent into a cohesive and pure nation.

In the realm of the economy, PMML acknowledges the severe difficulties facing Pakistan, including excessive loans, interest-based systems, and economic disparities. The party's manifesto outlines a vision for an Islamic economy based on justice, reduced disparity between the rich and the poor, and a focus on national resources. PMML advocates for the abolition of interest, negotiating with international financial institutions to address existing loans, and promoting local industries to strengthen the economy. The party aims to create a conducive environment for investments, eliminate unjust taxes, and prioritize the promotion of local industries over unnecessary imports.

In education and training, PMML emphasizes the importance of inclusive education for all Pakistanis, regardless of their background. The party envisions a uniform education curriculum, nurturing children from diverse economic backgrounds in the same quality institutions. Recognizing the significance of religious education, PMML aims to incorporate religious sciences into modern education, preserving Pakistan's ideological future. Additionally, the party plans to tailor curricula for professional degrees to meet market and industry needs, ensuring that students are well-equipped to tackle emerging challenges.

Advocacy for Palestine


In a public demonstration of solidarity with the people of Palestine, leaders of the Pakistan Markazi Muslim League (PMML) organized a nationwide rally on October 13, 2023. The event, covered extensively by Urdu Point under the title "PMML Leaders Rally For Palestinian Freedom, Call For End To Israeli Occupation[1]," became a pivotal moment for the party's advocacy for the Palestinian cause.

During the rally, PMML President Khalid Masood, alongside other prominent leaders, delivered impassioned speeches underscoring the party's firm stance that the key to resolving the Palestinian issue lies in the termination of Israel's occupation. Termed the "Freedom of Palestine," the PMML leaders portrayed Israel as an illegitimate state and a symbol of terrorism, demanding immediate global attention to address what they perceive as ongoing injustices.

The leaders placed the blame squarely on Israel, labeling it an unlawful state responsible for the protracted conflict and the oppression of innocent Palestinians for the past 74 years. The situation was characterized as an immense mound of injustice and cruelty faced by the Palestinian people, prompting a fervent call for Muslim nations to unite in supporting the quest for Palestinian freedom.

A central theme of the PMML's advocacy was the call for the recognition of Palestinians' full right to reclaim their occupied territories.[2] The leaders shed light on the harsh conditions endured by thousands of innocent Palestinian civilians in Israeli prisons and drew attention to the challenging circumstances faced by generations growing up in refugee camps, trapped in poverty with an uncertain future.

In an appeal to the global community, the PMML leaders urged the world to prevent further oppression by Israel and supported the call for an emergency meeting of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) by Pakistan to address the escalating crisis. Emphasizing Pakistan's commitment to a just, comprehensive, and lasting solution to the Palestinian issue in accordance with United Nations and OIC agreements, the PMML leaders encouraged unity among Muslim countries for the protection of Palestinian citizens and the pursuit of lasting peace in the Middle East.

The leaders expressed concerns about Israel's alleged plans for a large-scale massacre of Palestinians, questioning the motives behind such actions. They warned of the dire situation faced by the Muslim Ummah and the potential escalation of violence, urging urgent international attention to prevent the conflict from spreading across the world. The rally, covered by Urdu Point, stands as a significant testament to the PMML's advocacy for an end to the Israeli occupation and their unwavering support for the freedom of Palestine.

Election 2024


In the 2024 elections, PMML candidates have filed from various cities across Pakistan.[3] In preparation for the elections, the PMML undertook a meticulous process for candidate selection, ensuring that individuals aligned with the party's core values and were committed to the realization of the manifesto's objectives. The party aimed for a diverse representation, fielding candidates with backgrounds reflecting the demographics and cultural richness of Pakistan.

Post-Election Developments


Following the announcement of election results, the PMML engaged in post-election developments, which could include coalition-building efforts, discussions on policy implementation, and responses to the dynamics of the newly formed government. This phase marked a critical juncture for the PMML in determining its role in national governance and advocating for its proposed reforms.


  • [Provide links to official election results or credible news sources]



DAWN Controversy


The Pakistan Markazi Muslim League (PMML) has been at the center of a recent controversy, stemming from a Dawn article[4] published on December 27, 2023, titled "Party backed by Hafiz Saeed to contest all seats." This article raised concerns about the PMML's alleged links to Hafiz Saeed, founder of the designated terrorist organization Lashkar-e-Taiba (LeT).

  • The article claimed that the PMML is considered to be backed by Hafiz Saeed, citing "unidentified sources" and the party's founding president Khalid Masood Sindhu's past legal representation of Saeed.
  • It pointed to similarities between the PMML's platform and Saeed's ideology, emphasizing their focus on an Islamic welfare state and the state of Madinah as a model.
  • The article raised concerns about the potential consequences of a party with alleged terrorist links participating in the Pakistani political system.

PMML Rebuttal:

  • The PMML strongly rejected the allegations in the Dawn article, issuing a statement on December 28, 2023, titled "PMML Rejects Baseless Allegations and Misinformation Published in Dawn News."
  • The statement claimed that the article was based on "unverifiable information" and presented a "distorted picture" of the PMML.
  • They clarified that Khalid Masood Sindhu's legal representation of Saeed was part of his professional duty as an advocate and did not imply any political affiliation.
  • The PMML emphasized their commitment to Pakistani democracy and the rule of law, rejecting any association with terrorism or violence.

Dawn Clarification:

  • Following the PMML's rebuttal, Dawn published a clarification[5] on December 29, 2023, titled "Dawn Clarification on Dec 27 story 'Party backed by Hafiz Saeed to contest all seats'."
  • The clarification acknowledged the PMML's objections and stated that the use of the phrase "considered to be backed by Hafiz Saeed" was "unfortunate" and could be "misconstrued."
  • Dawn admitted that they should have sought the PMML's response before publishing the article and expressed regret for any inconvenience caused.

Manifesto of Pakistan Markazi Muslim League


The Manifesto of the Pakistan Markazi Muslim League (PMML) articulates a visionary roadmap for the future of Pakistan, rooted in the principles of justice, Islamic values, and a profound commitment to the well-being of the nation. The manifesto begins by acknowledging Pakistan as a divine gift for the Muslims of the subcontinent in South Asia, emphasizing its existence on the foundation of Kalma-e-Tayyaba ‘La ilaha illallah Muhammadur Rasulullah (Peace be upon him).'

Foundation and Historical Context


The historical context of the manifesto traces the establishment of the state of Madinah by Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him) and the subsequent formation of Pakistan in the 20th century through the sacrifices of the Muslim community. It criticizes the ruling class for deviating from the path of building Pakistan as the strength of the Muslim Ummah and, instead, adopting a role akin to Bani Israel, showing ingratitude for the immense blessing of Allah.

Challenges Faced by Pakistan


Addressing contemporary challenges, the manifesto identifies regional and linguistic prejudices, self-serving interests of politicians and rulers, and external interference as factors eroding the roots of the country. It highlights the tragic division of Pakistan and the severe impact of regional and linguistic sectarianism, leading to nationalism and sectarianism across the nation. The interference from foreign countries, particularly India, is noted for causing significant damage to the nation's defense and economy.

Vision for Reform


The core vision of the PMML, as outlined in the manifesto, is the transformation of Pakistan into a society of Medina, echoing the ideals set by the Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him). It advocates for reformation from the very foundation, avoiding the mistakes of the past, and establishing the state of Medina.

Key Areas of Focus


Establishment of an Islamic Welfare Society


PMML envisions the establishment of an Islamic welfare society in Pakistan, ensuring justice-based rights for all and providing training for fulfilling obligations. The manifesto pledges to eliminate social, regional, and linguistic differences, promoting respect, rights, prosperity, and well-being for every community and language. A municipal system will be implemented, fostering a system of brotherhood and harmony inspired by the prophetic society of Medina.

Ideological Foundation and National Unity


Emphasizing the lack of a unified national identity since Pakistan's establishment, the manifesto underscores the need for effective reformative and ethical education. It aims to strengthen the ideological foundation by cultivating a mature understanding that Muslims of the subcontinent form one pure nation beyond prejudices.

Reforming the Economic System


Acknowledging the severe economic difficulties faced by Pakistan due to global pressures and excessive loans, the PMML manifesto advocates for an Islamic economy based on justice. It promises to reduce the disparity between the rich and the poor, abolish interest, and address old loans through international financial institutions. The party pledges to engage in trade agreements without becoming subservient, transform existing banks, promote local industries, and increase exports while restricting certain imports.

Education and Training


The manifesto outlines a comprehensive approach to education, combining education with training to include every Pakistani in the ranks of educated and literate individuals. It proposes a uniform education curriculum, nurturing children from all backgrounds in the same quality educational institutions. Preserving Pakistan's ideological future, religious sciences will be incorporated into modern education. Curricula for professional degrees will be tailored according to market needs.

Eradication of Poverty and Job Provision


Recognizing the trend of emigration among the youth and the dangers it poses, the PMML manifesto promises significant economic policy reforms. The government will provide special subsidies for education, health, and food, offer interest-free loans and training for unemployed individuals, and establish a system of Zakat, religious tithes, and charitable donations.



Given Pakistan's status as an agricultural country, the manifesto pledges immediate measures to increase agricultural production and innovation. Special attention will be given to farmers' prosperity, and research laboratories will be established to advance agriculture, ensuring seed preparation that maximizes production while meeting local requirements.

Electricity Production


The manifesto outlines a review of agreements for affordable electricity from private power stations, prioritizing the provision of cheap electricity for domestic, commercial, and industrial consumers. Clean energy projects such as solar power and wind energy will be implemented to reduce the country's electricity shortage.



Effective health policies will be formulated, providing free medical treatment facilities for underprivileged individuals. Healthcare facilities will be extended to small towns and rural areas, with standard hospitals established at tehsil and district levels. Comprehensive facilities for mental health treatment will be provided, and equal rights will be ensured for special individuals within society.

Information Technology


Recognizing the lag in technology, the manifesto promises the promotion of science, technology, and modern sciences. Special courses will be introduced to further promote information technology, and an AI Task Force will be established to enhance the country's IT infrastructure. The party aims to attract IT companies and international IT firms, fostering economic diversity and equipping the youth with digital and technical skills.

Youth Affairs


With over 60% of Pakistan's population comprising young people, the PMML manifesto outlines opportunities for education and employment. Special policies will be formulated for youth empowerment, highlighting their leadership skills and promoting sports for mental development. Extensive efforts will be made to safeguard the youth from the trials of the modern age, particularly issues like radicalization.

Women's Rights


Recognizing the crucial role of women in society, the PMML manifesto promises special importance to women's rights. Representation and opportunities will be provided at every level in line with Pakistan's constitution and Islamic values. Educational institutions and vocational centers will be established for women, contributing significantly to the nation's progress.

Rights of Minorities


The manifesto recognizes the importance of minorities in establishing a prosperous society, ensuring full protection and religious freedom. Special measures will be taken to provide equal opportunities for minorities in business and development.

Means of Communication and Rule of Law


The manifesto emphasizes the positive use of communication for national unity, social education, and promoting tolerance. It advocates for the equal application of the law and immediate reforms in the police and judiciary systems. The party pledges to hold all heads and officials accountable in the courts, fostering justice and equality.

National Security and Foreign Policy


Recognizing Pakistan as a nuclear state, the manifesto emphasizes the importance of a strong and united nation for ensuring safety. It pledges to maintain the dignity of Pakistan's armed forces, police, and law enforcement agencies, combating terrorism through policy reforms and religious education. The manifesto outlines an independent foreign policy, upholding Pakistan's stance on Kashmir, fostering improved relations with all countries, and playing an active role in establishing peace in the region

Underdeveloped Areas


Special attention will be given to the development of underprivileged areas, with administrative units established according to population ratios. The manifesto pledges equal rights in the distribution of resources, investments in less developed areas, and the construction of essential infrastructure for progress.

The PMML manifesto concludes with a prayer for assistance in implementing its outlined program, reflecting a comprehensive vision for the transformation of Pakistan into a society of Medina.


  1. ^ "PMML Leaders Rally For Palestinian Freedom, Call For End To Israeli Occupation". UrduPoint. Retrieved 2024-01-09.
  2. ^ AFP, Web Desk | (2023-10-13). "Thousands around the world, including Pakistan, rally in support of Palestinians". Aaj English TV. Retrieved 2024-01-09.
  3. ^ "Election Commission of Pakistan". ecp.gov.pk. Retrieved 2024-01-09.
  4. ^ Reporter, The Newspaper's Staff (2023-12-25). "Party backed by Hafiz Saeed to contest all seats". DAWN.COM. Retrieved 2024-01-09.
  5. ^ Newspaper, From the (2023-12-26). "Clarification". DAWN.COM. Retrieved 2024-01-09.