Draft:Ottoman–Swedish Treaty (1739)

Ottoman–Swedish Treaty (1739)
TypeAlliance treaty
Signed22 December 1739

The Ottoman–Swedish Treaty (1739) was a defensive alliance aimed against Russia signed between the Ottoman Empire and Sweden in 1739.


  • A defensive alliance between the Ottomans and Swedes directed against Russia is established.[1][2]
  • Both countries pledge to support the other one in the event of a Russian attack on one of them.[3]
  • Both countries promise to observe the treaty.[4]
  • If it is observed that Russia is preparing for a war against either party, the two powers are to attempt to prevent it.[4]
  • If Russia declares war against either party, neither the Ottomans or Swedes will enter into seperate peace negotiations.[4]
  • The previous trade treaty in 1737 is confirmed.[4]



The alliance was not particularly well received across Europe. France had fears that Sweden would be tempted by the alliance and begin a new war against Russia. As for Russia, the Emperor was infuriated over what was considered Swedish duplicity.[3]


  1. ^ https://www.diva-portal.org/smash/get/diva2:1566744/FULLTEXT01.pdf
  2. ^ "Det osmanska riket – och relationen mellan islam och väst". 16 March 2023.
  3. ^ a b Gibler, Douglas M. (15 October 2008). International Military Alliances, 1648-2008. CQ Press. ISBN 978-1-60426-684-9.
  4. ^ a b c d Cave, Edward (1788). The Gentleman's Magazine: Or, Monthly Intelligencer: Volume the first [-fifth], for the year 1731 [-1735] ... Printed and sold at St John's Gate [by Edward Cave]; by F. Jefferies in Ludgate-Street.