Olivier Marc was a French author, architect and psychologist whose notable works include “The Psychology of the House” and “A Child’s First Drawings”. He was born on the 5th of January 1930 and died on the 24th of August 2019. He was married to Varenka Marc, and had two children. He was an Orthodox Christian, and had travelled all over the world in all continents, notably in India, the United States of America, Morocco and Italy.

He had written 5 books, “The Psychology of the House”, “A Child’s First Drawings”, “Setsuko”, and “Balthus”.


Olivier Marc was my loving grandfather, and i witnessed his work and read it with my own eyes. He passed away a few years ago but I lived with him and my mother all of my life. 

My mother is also one of my references because she knew him more than i did, he was her father, and he lived with her his whole life. I heard his tales, and about his adventures everywhere in the world.