Mech Battles also known as Mecha Battles are the list of battles, skirmishes, duels and clashes between of Mecha, mech suits or otherwise human operated humanoid fighting robots.

Battles Recorded


Due to the limited amount of mechs currently produced, coupled with the very high cost of maintenance[1] after a battle/fight for both the mech suit and the pilot; there have only been a limited number of battles fought in these high-advanced and sophisticated walking tanks.

Date Winner Defender Challenger Description
18th October, 2017 Kuratas (Piloted by 'Kogoro Kurata') Kuratas (Piloted by 'Kogoro Kurata') Iron Glory (Piloted by 'Gui Cavalcanti' & 'Matt Oehrlein') Kuratas won the match in a single strike with it's newly modified half-ton "battering ram" arm. Kuratas charged Iron Glory and punched through the steel plate in the cabin, breaking through the front of Eagle Prime's cockpit and with such kinetic force to launch and topple Iron Glory backwards. The show regarded that as being knocked on their ass.[2]
18th October, 2017 Eagle Prime (Piloted by 'Gui Cavalcanti' & 'Matt Oehrlein') Kuratas (Piloted by 'Kogoro Kurata') Eagle Prime (Piloted by 'Gui Cavalcanti' & 'Matt Oehrlein') Eagle Prime won through just sheer strength and size, having to resort to using the barrel of it's cannons (fixed to right arm) as a battering ram againist Kuratas smaller, sleeker mid-section.[3]
18th October, 2017 Eagle Prime (Piloted by 'Gui Cavalcanti' & 'Matt Oehrlein') Eagle Prime (Piloted by 'Gui Cavalcanti' & 'Matt Oehrlein') Kuratas (Piloted by 'Kogoro Kurata') Eagle Prime went and butchered through the majority of Kuratas armour and sheilding by exchanging the cannon in the previous round for a 150hp chainsaw. The match was decided to be given to Eagle Prime when they were able to cut into the Kuratas cockpit with the chainsaw and the fight was concluded as Kogoro Kurata was considered to be in danger.[4]


  1. ^ "Cost of a Mech Suit". 17 January 2015. Retrieved 8 July 2023.
  2. ^ "Iron Glory Vs. Kuratas". YouTube. Retrieved 8 July 2023.
  3. ^ "Kuratas Vs. Eagle Prime". YouTube. Retrieved 8 July 2023.
  4. ^ "Kuratas Vs. Eagle Prime Round 2". YouTube. Retrieved 8 July 2023.