Draft:Lorne Armstrong

Chat Log


Soon after moving to Nashville, TN, from Cambridge, ME, Lorne began chatting online with a Perverted Justice decoy who used the screen name "kaylaprincess_94" to pose as a 13-year-old girl named Kayla. At first, Lorne portrayed himself as a protector, telling Kayla, "if nobody will talk to you sweetheart you can talk to me........I'm a good guy, i have 2 nieces your age."

This façade began to slip when Lorne, realizing that Kayla had never been taught the dangers of the online world, told Kayla that there are a lot of "weirdos" on the internet. Lorne then asked Kayla if she had had any previous relationships; they discuss the details of the relationship and her intimate experience with her previous boyfriend. Lorne is "shocked" to learn that she did not do "anything else" with her boyfriend saying, "because some kids your age have done a lot more than that."

Lorne explained to Kayla that he loves her "innocents" and how she is ignorant on the topic of sex. Lorne steers the conversation towards what Kayla knows about, detailing the anatomy of males and females. Lorne allows himself to divulge into sexual intercourse and what occurs during intercourse, or what he thinks goes on. Lorne leads the decoy to violate herself in what he called "experimenting" among other repulsive and disgusting topics within two hours of meeting the thirteen year-old decoy.

Lorne continued to chat with the decoy for over a month, detailing his plans to abduct and rape the girl, taking her from her home in Bowling Green, KY to his apartment in Nashville. During this month, Lorne became extremely possessive of the decoy, becoming jealous of family friends and especially her ex-boyfriend, Derek, often times being intimidated by the adolescent.

The agenda Lorne set-in-place persisted throughout the 407 pages of the chatlog, often times creating wacky and memorable phrases and situations. One of these situations included within the airing of the sting, consists of Lorne naming and personifying his appendage, "Mr. Penis", as well as the decoy's "Mrs. Vagina." Lorne would also use his webcam to expose himself and put on a show for the decoy, often making comments in correlation. Notable throughout the chatlog is Lorne's lack of knowledge about sex.

For all of this, the chatlog contains extensive grooming practices and absolutely sickening undermining of the decoy and her parents.

Phone calls between Lorne Armstrong and the decoy exist and are available for streaming on platforms such as YouTube.

The Sting


Lorne finally arrived at the sting house on his 37th birthday, and he was very calm and happy when he met the decoy. In a later interview, Casey said she even felt relaxed while she was talking to him, since he was so friendly and inviting. After taking a seat on a butt warmer chair, he repeatedly told Casey he wanted a kiss from her to kick off the night.

Then, Chris Hansen entered the room and confronted Lorne, taking a seat on the opposite chair and spent the next ten minutes grilling him. He then read the chatlog and quoted many lines Lorne had sent the decoy ("Is Ms. Vagina thinking about Mr. Penis? What is she thinking?") Lorne visibly became more stressed and depressed as the conversation went on. He would try to blame his behavior on a catfishing relationship he had previous with a woman he knew as "Amanda James". Eventually, Hansen revealed that he was part of a Dateline investigation. Lorne then let out a cry of defeat ("OH CAWD!") and was arrested shortly after he left the house. During his police interview, despite knowing he had incriminating evidence in his truck and on his computer, he gave the police consent to seize both. Only after being showed his nude cam shots did he request a lawyer, but it was too late. Police were interviewing Travis Fowler in a nearby room and after his interview, the detective in charge of the Armstrong interview comes in and proclaims “He’s toast” to the other detective. Lorne would end up being charged with interstate travel with the intent of sex with a minor, attempted sexual contact with a minor, and attempt to produce child pornography (police recovered a camera from his truck). On the advice of his attorney because he was facing a 20 year sentence, he took a plea deal. He was sentenced to seven years both on the state and federal level to be served concurrently, of which he served five and was given lifetime probation and RSO status. Afterwards, he returned to his home state of Maine.

Attempted Youtuber


In 2017, Lorne, believing himself to be a celebrity due to the attention he received from his appearance on Dateline, tried to cash in on his fame, or infamy, by starting a YouTube channel where he would sing, do workouts, cook vegan dishes and try to sell paraphernalia from before and during his prison stay.[1] These videos would be massively downvoted and many of the comments would be statements he said in his 407 page chatlog, though he wouldn’t recognize they were his words thrown back at him. He tried to sell a shirt of a still of him from TCaP for $40 with the phrase, “Don’t yell. I’m sensitive!”, which is a rephrase of his infamous “Well! Yell at me why doncha?!”. The legality of selling such a shirt was suspect at best considering he was using an image from the show which would not only be a copyright issue, but a possible violation of the “Son of Sam Law”, which prohibits criminals from making money from their crimes. That being said, he only sold one shirt, and he never shipped it.

After being sent a direct message from a YouTube user named “ArtsyTiger” letting him know that all of his “supporters” were actually making fun of him, he went on YouTube to make what would end up being his final video entitled “Important Message” in which he addressed the DM and asked the commenters, the same people trolling him, if he should continue or stop making videos.[2] Lorne would stop making videos, but leave the channel open to the public.

During one of the livestreams of his calls to "Ramona", Lorne was swatted by local police where he was discovered intoxicated and in the nude. This would lead to daily breathalyzer tests. Lorne's YouTube career came to an end when he was arrested for violations of parole in the autumn of 2019 as well as failure to pay the subscription on his web monitoring software. Under these conditions, Lorne was not allowed to access the internet.

Second Arrest


Lorne was arrested again in August 2019 after spending five years in a sex offender rehabilitation class and not passing because he still refused to take any responsibility for his actions leading to his imprisonment. He also showed up to the class drunk despite one of the provisions of sex offender registration being the prohibition of the consumption of alcohol. That being said, he had five alcohol violations on his record since 2014. Lorne was sentenced to six months in jail for this and was released in February 2020.

Novel and Current Life


While Lorne was in prison, he wrote a novel named "Taken Abroad". [3]

A video emerged in May 2021 of Lorne selling items at a garage sale.[4] In the video, people outside of the shot can be heard saying quotes from his chatlog. Whether they are locals or his stalkers is unknown. The following year, more videos began to appear of the annual event (the Ten Mile Yard Sale), with Lorne answering questions posed by a visitor and being informed on the current happenings of the Lornography community. People still visit the trailer under the guise of buying from Lorne, filming and posting their interactions with him without his knowledge.

In January 2023, images of the Church of Cawd point of interest on Google Maps showed his trailer of failure in a state of disrepair, along with a shipping container and front loader in the yard, suggesting that Lorne no longer resides there. However, his updated RSO information in May 2023 still lists his address as the trailer, and a new image on Google Maps showed it was in much better condition than when it was in January, with several cars parked outside. However, as of May, the property once again looks to be in severe disrepair. It is unknown if this is because Lorne is still renovating the property, continuing his junk sales, or simply leaving it to fall apart.

